Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Transformations
  3. Transformation Ports
  4. Transformation Caches
  5. Address Validator Transformation
  6. Aggregator Transformation
  7. Association Transformation
  8. Bad Record Exception Transformation
  9. Case Converter Transformation
  10. Classifier Transformation
  11. Comparison Transformation
  12. Consolidation Transformation
  13. Data Masking Transformation
  14. Data Processor Transformation
  15. Decision Transformation
  16. Duplicate Record Exception Transformation
  17. Expression Transformation
  18. Filter Transformation
  19. Hierarchical to Relational Transformation
  20. Java Transformation
  21. Java Transformation API Reference
  22. Java Expressions
  23. Joiner Transformation
  24. Key Generator Transformation
  25. Labeler Transformation
  26. Lookup Transformation
  27. Lookup Caches
  28. Dynamic Lookup Cache
  29. Macro Transformation
  30. Match Transformation
  31. Match Transformations in Field Analysis
  32. Match Transformations in Identity Analysis
  33. Normalizer Transformation
  34. Merge Transformation
  35. Parser Transformation
  36. Python Transformation
  37. Rank Transformation
  38. Read Transformation
  39. Relational to Hierarchical Transformation
  40. REST Web Service Consumer Transformation
  41. Router Transformation
  42. Sequence Generator Transformation
  43. Sorter Transformation
  44. SQL Transformation
  45. Standardizer Transformation
  46. Union Transformation
  47. Update Strategy Transformation
  48. Web Service Consumer Transformation
  49. Parsing Web Service SOAP Messages
  50. Generating Web Service SOAP Messages
  51. Weighted Average Transformation
  52. Window Transformation
  53. Write Transformation
  54. Appendix A: Transformation Delimiters

Developer Transformation Guide

Developer Transformation Guide

Web Service Consumer Transformation Advanced Properties

Web Service Consumer Transformation Advanced Properties

The Web Service Consumer transformation advanced properties include the tracing level, generic fault ports, web services connection, and concurrent web service request messages.
You can define the following advanced properties for the Web Service Consumer transformation on the Advanced tab:
Tracing Level
Amount of detail that appears in the log for this transformation. You can choose terse, normal, verbose initialization, or verbose data. Default is normal.
SOAP Action
Overrides the SOAP action value defined in the WSDL with a constant value for the Web Service Consumer transformation.
Enable Generic SOAP Fault Handling
Returns fault messages that are not defined in the WSDL. Creates output ports in a GenericFault output group to handle fault codes and messages.
The following table describes the fault output ports for SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2:
Fault Output Port for SOAP 1.1
Fault Output Port for SOAP 1.2
Fault Code
Returns a fault identification code.
Fault String
Returns an explanation of the error in a fault message.
Fault Detail
Returns custom information that the web service provider passes to the Web Service Consumer transformation in a generic fault message.
Fault Actor
Returns information about the object that caused the fault to happen.
Returns the URI of the SOAP node that generated the fault.
* The Code and Reason output ports are hierarchical.
You can expand the Code fault output port to extract the SubCode fault output port upto one level.
Enable HTTP Error Handling
Returns any HTTP error from the web service. Creates an HTTP error output port in the GenericFault output group.
Treat Fault as Error
Adds fault messages to the mapping log. When a fault occurs, the Data Integration Service increments the error count for the mapping. Disable this property to allow early selection and push-into optimization. Default is enabled.
Identifies the web services connection object to connect to the web service. Create the web services connection in the Developer tool. Edit the web services connection in the Developer tool or the Administrator tool. When you configure a web services connection, configure the endpoint URL, the type of security that the web service requires, and a connection timeout period.
The Web Service Consumer transformation connects to a web service using an endpoint URL. You can define the endpoint URL in the WSDL file, in a web services connection, or in an endpoint URL input port.
Use the following guidelines to determine when to configure a web services connection:
  • Configure a connection if you want to use an endpoint URL that differs from the URL in the WSDL file and if you are not using an endpoint URL input port.
  • Configure a connection if the web service you connect to requires web service security, HTTP authentication, or SSL certificates.
  • Configure a connection if you want to change the default connection timeout period.
You can associate a WSDL data object in the repository with a web services connection. The associated connection becomes the default connection for each Web Service Consumer transformation that you create from that WSDL.
Enable Compression
Enables coding of SOAP requests with the GZIP compression method and enables decoding of SOAP responses with GZIP or deflate.
XML Schema Validation
Validates the SOAP response message at run time. Select
Error on Invalid XML
No Validation
Sorted Input
Enables the Data Integration Service to generate output without processing all of the input data. Enable sorted input when the input data is sorted by the keys in the operation input hierarchy.
Push-into Optimization
Enables push-into optimization. Click the
button in the
Push-Into Optimization
property to select filter ports that receive filter values. For each filter port, choose the output port that contains the filtered column in the web service response.
Has Side Effects
Checkbox that indicates that the web service performs any function besides returning rows. The Web Service Consumer transformation has a side effect if the web service, in addition to returning a rows, modifies an object or interacts with other objects or functions. The web service might modify a database, add to a total, raise an exception, write an email, or call other web services with side effects. Disable the
Has Side Effects
property in order to allow push-into optimization or early selection optimization. Default is enabled.
Enable Concurrency
Enables the Web Service Consumer transformation to create multiple concurrent connections to a web service so that it can send multiple web service requests in parallel. When you enable the Web Service Consumer transformation to create multiple concurrent connections to the web service, you can set the total memory consumption limit and the number of concurrent connection limits.
The following table describes the options:
Enable concurrency
Creates multiple concurrent connections to a web service.
Concurrency Connection Limit
The number of concurrent web service connections. Default is 20.
Total Concurrency Memory Limit (in MB)
The total memory allocation limit for all the concurrent connections. Default is 100 MB.


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