Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Test Data Management
  3. Test Data Manager
  4. Projects
  5. Policies
  6. Data Discovery
  7. Creating a Data Subset
  8. Performing a Data Masking Operation
  9. Data Masking Techniques and Parameters
  10. Data Generation
  11. Data Generation Techniques and Parameters
  12. Working with Test Data Warehouse
  13. Analyzing Test Data with Data Coverage
  14. Plans and Workflows
  15. Monitor
  16. Reports
  17. ilmcmd
  18. tdwcmd
  19. tdwquery
  20. Data Type Reference
  21. Data Type Reference for Test Data Warehouse
  22. Data Type Reference for Hadoop
  23. Glossary

Analysis for Data Coverage

Analysis for Data Coverage

Create a test data coverage task to analyze the data coverage in the
data set
Perform the following high-level steps to configure the data coverage task and view the results:
  1. Create a column COL1 that refers to the EMP_SAL column in the EMP_SAL_INFO table. Use the Range type to plot the data.
  2. Create a column COL2 that refers to the LOC column in the ORG_REV_INFO table. Use the Use as is type to plot the data.
  3. Create a column FILTERCOL1 that refers to the DEP_NAME column in the ORG_REV_INFO table. Use the Use as is type to plot the data.
  4. Plot COL1 along the X axis and COL2 along the Y axis.
  5. Configure the minimum and maximum data values as 50 and 75.
  6. Click Analyze to view the data coverage plotted across the graph. The results depict the data coverage for the salary ranges across locations.
  7. To view the data coverage information for specific departments, add the column FILTERCOL1 to the Filter A field and click Analyze to refresh the results.
  8. Select the required departments from the filter list to view results for individual departments.
Consider the following example:
The data coverage results indicate that there is no data for some departments for the salary range 5,000 - 10,000 for the location UK. However, there is data well above the maximum threshold for the salary range 15,000 - 20,000 in the location US. There is some data in the salary range 20,000 - 25,000 in the location AUS. This data is slightly above the minimum threshold value. You want to update some data from these cells to the 5,000 - 10,000 in UK cell.
Perform the following high-level steps to configure the data coverage task and view the results:
  1. Select the cell that represents the data for the location UK and salary range 5,000 - 10,000.
  2. Right-click and select Fill.
  3. Select the cell that represents the US location and salary range 5,000 - 20,000.
  4. Select the cell that represents the salary range 20,000 - 25,000 in the location AUS.
  5. The Fill Cell dialog box adds these fields and suggests the number of rows that you might add from each cell.
  6. You can edit the number in the field to move the required number of rows. You cannot move more rows than what exists in a cell.
  7. Click Fill. If user input is required, a dialog box appears with fields to enter data values. For example, you might need to update parent records in some tables.
For example, when you update the data from the US and AUS locations to the UK location, the UK location might not contain any department information. In this situation you enter data values for the department rows.
You can configure the data coverage task to analyze the data based on your requirement. You can then update the data to create data in rows where you need the data.


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