Create a project to organize the components for data discovery, masking, subset and generation operations.
Import data sources in the project. Create a target schema. TDM overwrites any data that already exists in the target schema. Import metadata for the sources on which you want to perform data subset or masking operations. Import target metadata to perform data generation operations. You can import metadata from a PowerCenter folder, the Model repository, or an external database source.
When you import PowerCenter source metadata, the TDM server sends a request to the PowerCenter Repository Service to extract source metadata from the PowerCenter repository. When you import source metadata from the Model repository, the TDM Server sends a request to the Model Repository Service to extract source metadata from the Model repository. The service then loads the source metadata to the TDM repository.
When you import external database metadata, the TDM server extracts metadata from the source tables and loads it into the TDM repository.