Connection Options
| Description
Source Connection
| A connection to the source database. Choose variable or relational from the list. Select the variable name or select a source connection from the list. If you choose to enter a variable, the list of variables includes global parameters and project parameters. Global parameters are indicated with an asterisk (*).
You cannot use a Hadoop HDFS connection as a variable when you configure a source or a target.
For Hadoop sources, you can select a Hive or an HDFS connection.
Source Type
| Appears if flat file sources are present. You can choose the following source file types:
Source File Directory Path
| The path to the flat file source directory. Appears if flat file sources are present.
Source File Name
| The name of the source file. Required if the source is a flat file. Default is <name of selected source>.dat.
Target Connection
| A connection to the target database or the target file. Choose variable, relational, or flat file from the list. Select a target connection or variable name from the list. If you choose to enter a variable, the list of variables includes global parameters and project parameters. Global parameters are indicated with an asterisk (*).
If you enter the target connection as a variable, ensure that you define the scope of the variable as
Global or
Integration Service in the parameter file.
In a multinode setup, if you use parameters to enter the connection information, the parameter file must be present on the node on which the Test Data Manager Service runs. The file must be in the same directory path on both nodes.
Target JDBC Connection
| Appears if you select an ODBC target connection type. The connection that contains the JDBC connection string of the ODBC target database.
Required if the target connection type is ODBC and either of the following statements is true:
Optional if the target is ODBC and you want to perform simple data movement operations.
Output Filename
| The name of the target file. Required if the target is a flat file. Default is <name of selected source>.out.
File Encoding
| The file encoding type. Required if the target is a flat file. If the source is a flat file, the default type is what the flat file contains.
If the source is relational, default is MS Windows Latin 1 (ANSI), superset of Latin1. You can select the type of flat file encoding that you want in the target.
File Format
| The format of a flat file. Required if the target is a flat file.
You can choose one of the following options:
Column Delimiter
| A character that separates columns of data. Required if the source is a flat file and if the file format is delimited. Default is a comma (,).
Row Separator
| A character that separates rows of data. Required if the source is a flat file. Default is \012 LF (\n).
Optional Quotes
| Select No Quotes, Single Quote, or Double Quotes. If you select a quote character, the Integration Service ignores delimiter characters within the quote characters. Therefore, the Integration Service uses quote characters to escape the delimiter.
For example, a source file uses a comma as a delimiter and contains the following row:
If you select the optional single quote character, the Integration Service ignores the commas within the quotes and reads the row as four fields.
If you do not select the optional single quote, the Integration Service reads six separate fields.
When the Integration Service reads two optional quote characters within a quoted string, it treats them as one quote character. For example, the Integration Service reads the following quoted string as
Additionally, if you select an optional quote character, the Integration Service reads a string as a quoted string if the quote character is the first character of the field.
You can improve session performance if the source file does not contain quotes or escape characters.
Include Headers
| Optional. You can choose to include the headers in the target flat file. Default is Yes.
Source File Name
| The name of the IMS source file or VSAM source file. If the source is a Hierarchical IMS file, enter the name of the source unload file. If the source is a Hierarchical VSAM/SEQ file, enter the name of the source file. Required if the source connection is PXW_NRDB Batch.
Target File Name
| The name of the IMS target file or VSAM target file. If the target is a Hierarchical IMS file, enter the name of the target unload file. If the target is a Hierarchical VSAM/SEQ file, enter the name of the target file. The target file name must be different from the source file name. Required if the target connection is PXW_NRDB Batch.
Teradata ODBC Connection
| Name of the Teradata ODBC connection. Required if the target connection is Teradata PT. Select a connection from the list.
Lookup Connection
| Connection to a database that contains lookup tables. Required if the plan has a mapplet rule which includes a transformation. Choose relational or flat file from the list. Select a lookup connection from the list.
Dictionary Connection
| A connection to the database that contains the dictionary table. The dictionary connection option does not appear unless the project contains a rule that requires a relational dictionary.
Email Dictionary Connection
| A connection to the database that contains the email dictionary table. The email dictionary connection option does not appear unless the project contains a masking rule that requires a relational email dictionary.