Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Test Data Management
  3. Test Data Manager
  4. Projects
  5. Policies
  6. Data Discovery
  7. Creating a Data Subset
  8. Performing a Data Masking Operation
  9. Data Masking Techniques and Parameters
  10. Data Generation
  11. Data Generation Techniques and Parameters
  12. Working with Test Data Warehouse
  13. Analyzing Test Data with Data Coverage
  14. Plans and Workflows
  15. Monitor
  16. Reports
  17. ilmcmd
  18. tdwcmd
  19. tdwquery
  20. Data Type Reference
  21. Data Type Reference for Test Data Warehouse
  22. Data Type Reference for Hadoop
  23. Glossary

Data Set Tags

Data Set Tags

You can add tags to a data set to classify and identify each version of the data set. You can also add row-level tags to a data set. Use a comma to separate the tags.
A data set contains test data that you require to run specific test cases. You can add the name of the test case, an identification number, or any relevant information as a tag to identify the data set. You can perform a keyword search for data sets based on tags. When multiple test teams create data sets, the teams can add tags to identify the data sets. Share tag information to help users search for a data set that you want to share.
Use tags to filter and search for data sets in the
Data Sets
Use row-level tags to identify data when you edit data in a data set or as criteria to create a related data set.


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