Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to API Manager
  3. API management
  4. Organizational access policies
  5. API-specific policies
  6. API groups
  7. Authentication and authorization
  8. API Microgateway Service
  9. Analytics

API Manager Guide

API Manager Guide

API Registry properties

API Registry properties

The following table describes the
API Registry
page properties:
Identifies whether the entity is a service, managed API, or custom API:
  • : Designates a service.
  • : Designates a managed API.
  • : Designates a custom API.
Name of the API.
The name and version combination must be unique in the organization. The name can contain up to 50 characters, including any letter on the ASCII table, any digit, and the special characters . _ and -. The name can't contain spaces or any of the following characters: / ` " ' < > & : ~ ! @ # ; % ^ * + = { } | , \ $ ? ( ) .
The name is part of the API URL.
Version of the API. An API can have up to three versions. The version can contain up to 10 characters including any letter on the ASCII table, any digit, and the special characters . _ and -. The version can't contain spaces or any of the following characters: / ` " ' < > & : ~ ! @ # ; % ^ * + = { } | , \ $ ? ( )
Version can't be
because the segment
is reserved for Informatica internal use.
Different versions of a managed API point to different Cloud Application Integration processes.
The protocol of the service of the API:
  • REST
  • SOAP
Informatica Cloud Application Integration services are published with both REST and SOAP endpoints.
Status of the API:
  • Active : The API is active.
  • Inactive : The API is currently not available.
  • Service not available : The service for the API is unavailable or deleted.
If the service for which an API has been created is unavailable or deleted, the API is greyed out.
Authentication Method
Managed API authentication method.
A managed API that invokes a Cloud Application Integration process that uses anonymous authentication also uses anonymous authentication. Managed APIs that use anonymous authentication don't require API consumers to authenticate.
A managed API that invokes a Cloud Application Integration process that uses basic authentication can use one or more of the following authentication methods:
  • Basic. The API consumer provides an Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services user name and password for authentication.
  • OAuth 2.0. The API consumer provides an OAuth 2.0 access token to invoke the managed API.
  • JWT - JSON Web Token. The API consumer passes the JWT token as a bearer.
The group that the API belongs to.
Description of the service.


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