Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to API Manager
  3. API management
  4. Organizational access policies
  5. API-specific policies
  6. API groups
  7. Authentication and authorization
  8. API Microgateway Service
  9. Analytics

API Manager Guide

API Manager Guide

API versions

API versions

You can create multiple versions of a managed API or custom API.
For example, you can create multiple versions of a managed API that link to different Cloud Application Integration services. To run two Cloud Application Integration processes that are similar, instead of creating two managed APIs with different names, create two managed APIs that share the same name but have different versions.
If the managed API requires a JSON web token, generate a JSON web token for the new version of the managed API. If the managed API requires an OAuth 2.0 token, add the new version of the managed API to the OAuth 2.0 client and re-generate the token.


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