Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to API Manager
  3. API management
  4. Organizational access policies
  5. API-specific policies
  6. API groups
  7. Authentication and authorization
  8. API Microgateway Service
  9. Analytics

API Manager Guide

API Manager Guide

Building an API Microgateway

Building an API Microgateway

Use the API Microgateway Service to build an API Microgateway as an immutable Docker image for each managed API:
  1. Build the API Microgateway to an API endpoint using the URL:
    https://{<host>}:{<port number>}/api/v1/agent/apimgw/build
    The Docker image name must not contain the following characters:
    If the Docker image name includes restricted characters, the build fails.
    The API Microgateway Service builds the API Microgateway as a Docker image on the repository of the Docker runtime environment. The following image shows an example payload of invoking a POST call to build an API Microgateway:
    The example shows the codes used for invoking a POST call to build a managed API.


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