Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to API Manager
  3. API management
  4. Organizational access policies
  5. API-specific policies
  6. API groups
  7. Authentication and authorization
  8. API Microgateway Service
  9. Analytics

API Manager Guide

API Manager Guide

URLs for managed APIs and custom APIs

URLs for managed APIs and custom APIs

When you create a managed API or custom API, API Manager creates the API URL based on the API properties. Each property is a segment in the managed API URL or custom API URL.
A managed API URL or custom API URL can contain the following segments:
  • API domain name. API Manager uses the API domain name in the URL of the managed API or custom API to identify your organization. If you don't customize the API URL, API Manager uses the Informatica domain as the base URL followed by your organization's API domain name. If you customize the API URL, API Manager uses the API domain name as the base URL of all the managed APIs and custom APIs in your organization. The API domain name can contain up to 39 characters. For more information, see Customized API URLs.
  • API name. When you create a managed API, you can enter a name or accept the default name. The API name can contain up to 50 characters.
  • Version. When you create different versions of a managed API or custom API, API Manager adds the version to the URL. The version can contain up to 10 characters. For more information, see Version management.
  • API Context. When you create a managed API or custom API, API Manager adds the API domain name, API name, and version to create the API context. The API context can contain up to 79 characters.
  • Group context. When you create an API group, you can add a URL context to the group. API Manager adds the context to all the URLs of the APIs that belong to the group. The group context is independent from the API context. The API context can contain up to 66 characters. For more information, see API groups.
Query parameters in a managed API URL or custom API URL must not include spaces. Use
to pass query parameters that include spaces.


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