Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to API Manager
  3. API management
  4. Organizational access policies
  5. API-specific policies
  6. API groups
  7. Authentication and authorization
  8. API Microgateway Service
  9. Analytics

API Manager Guide

API Manager Guide

Expose a managed API with the API Microgateway Service

Expose a managed API with the API Microgateway Service

Use the API Microgateway Service to expose a managed API on the organization's on-premises environment.
Before you expose a managed API, perform the prerequisite tasks on your organization's Secure Agent machine. After you complete the prerequisites, follow the steps to create, build, and deploy an API Microgateway proxy.
After you expose a managed API, if you make changes to the on-premises environment, you might need to make one or both of the following changes:
  • Edit the API Microgateway Service properties in Administrator. For example, you might want to change the name of the project that stores the API configurations when you create a new project.
  • Enable the API Microgateway Service for a Secure Agent or a Secure Agent group in Administrator. For example, you might want to change the Secure Agent that runs the API Microgateway Service when you create a new project.
For more information about editing the API Microgateway Service properties or enabling the API Microgateway Service for a Secure Agent or a Secure Agent group, see
Secure Agent Services
in the Administrator help.


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