Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to API Manager
  3. API management
  4. Organizational access policies
  5. API-specific policies
  6. API groups
  7. Authentication and authorization
  8. API Microgateway Service
  9. Analytics

API Manager Guide

API Manager Guide

Disable and enable OAuth 2.0 clients for the API Microgateway Service

Disable and enable OAuth 2.0 clients for the API Microgateway Service

When you create an OAuth 2.0 client for the API Microgateway Service, it is enabled by default. You can disable a client and enable a disabled client. API consumers can't use disabled OAuth 2.0 clients for authentication.
  1. Open the following URL template:
    is the machine that hosts the Secure Agent that runs the API Microgateway Service.
  2. In the
    field, enter
  3. Invoke a POST call.
    The response body shows the state as
  4. To enable a disabled Auth 2.0 client, in the
    field, enter
  5. Invoke a POST call.
    The response body shows the state as


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