Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Informatica Connector Toolkit
  3. Before you begin
  4. Develop a connector for Cloud Data Integration
  5. Develop a connector for Data Loader
  6. Import a connector
  7. Connection attributes
  8. Type system
  9. Connector metadata
  10. Partitioning capability
  11. Pushdown capability
  12. Mappings in advanced mode
  13. Manual changes to Informatica Connector Toolkit source code
  14. Runtime behavior
  15. Connector example: MySQL_Cloud
  16. Version control integration
  17. Appendix A: Metadata models
  18. Appendix B: ASO model
  19. Appendix C: Connector project migration
  20. Appendix D: Frequently used generic APIs in Informatica Connector Toolkit
  21. Appendix E: Frequently asked questions

Cloud Data Integration Connector Toolkit Developer Guide

Cloud Data Integration Connector Toolkit Developer Guide

Appendix D: Frequently used generic APIs in Informatica Connector Toolkit

Appendix D: Frequently used generic APIs in Informatica Connector Toolkit

You can use the following generic APIs that are frequently used to create a connector using the Informatica Connector Toolkit:

Connection Adapter APIs

ConnectInfoAdapter Class
public SDKErrorInfo validateAttributes(Map<String, Object> attrNameValmap)
Validates the connection attributes and provide any validation errors.
public List<Object> getConnectInfoUpdatedConsumerInfo(Map<String, Object> map, SDKConsumerTypeEnum consumerType)
Provides the list of objects that appears in the Connection UI.

Metadata Adapter APIs

Connection Class
public Status openConnection(Map<String, Object> connAttrs)
Establishes a connection to the data source.
public Status closeConnection()
Closes the connection to the data source.
Metadata Adapter Class
Connection getMetadataConnection(List<Option> options, Map<String, Object> connAttrs)
Use this method to get the adapter metadata connection instance.
public Boolean populateObjectCatalog(Connection connection, List<Option> options, Catalog catalog)
Use this method to populate the third-party metadata information such as schemas & tables
public void populateObjectDetails(Connection connection, List<Option> options, List<ImportableObject> importableObjects, Catalog catalog)
Use this method to populate the field details & extensions for the object selected
public boolean validate(Connection sdkConnection, List<Option> options)
Use this method to validate the custom query provided by the user to fetch the metadata
public Status writeObjects(Connection connection, MetadataWriteSession writeSession, MetadataWriteOptions defOptions)
Use this method to create a data source object in the third-party to handle create target scenario

Runtime Adapter APIs

DataAdapter Class
public int initDataSession(DataSession dataSession) throws SDKException
Use this method to initialize the data session.
public int read(DataSession dataSession, ReadAttributes readAttr) throws SDKException
Use this method to implement the code to read data from the data source.
public int write(DataSession dataSession, WriteAttributes writeAttr) throws SDKException
Use this method to implement the code to write data to the data source.
public int call(DataSession dataSession, CallAttributes callAttr) throws SDKException
Use this method to implement the code to read data from the data source by executing the procedure.
public int deinitDataSession(DataSession dataSession)
Use this method to deinitialize the data session.
OperationAdapter Class
public int initDataSourceOperation(DataSourceOperationContext dsoHandle, MetadataContext connHandle) throws SDKException
Use this method to initialize the data source operation adapter before any partitions are executed.
public int deinitDataSourceOperation(DataSourceOperationContext dsoHandle, MetadataContext connHandle) throws SDKException
Use this method to deinitialize the data source operation adapter after all partitions are executed.
DataConnection Class
public Object getNativeConnection()
Use this method toreturn a data source connection object.
Plugin Class
public int initPlugin(PluginInfo pluginInfo)
This method will be called by SDK framework at the plugin loading time. Adapter developer needs to provide plugin info in this API.
public Connection createConnection()
Use this method to return adapter specific connection class instance
public DataAdapter getDataAdapter()
Use this method to return the adapter DataAdapter Object
public DataSourceOperationAdapter getDataSourceOperationAdapter()
Use this method to return the adapter DataSourceOperation object

Runtime Semantic APIs

ASOOperationObjMgr Class
public boolean validateAll(boolean recurse, ObjectManagerContext ctx, MetadataObject currentObj, MetadataObject containerObj) throws SL_ValidationException
Validates all the fields. If pushdown optimization is supported by the adapter, validate and generate pushdown SQL query for the mapping..

Typesystem APIs

Typesystem Class in the seed.provider project
DirectMapUtils.INSTANCE.createDataTypeMap(DirectTypeSystemMap directTSMap, DataType localDT, DataType foreignDT, boolean lossyToLocal, boolean lossyToForeign, boolean bestMapFromLocal, boolean bestMapFromForeign)
Creates a Connector Typesystem map with all the data types.

LicenseChecker API

LicenseChecker Class
public boolean isLicensedToRun(InformaticaLicenseChecker checker)
Validates if the user has the adapter license to execute tasks.


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