Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Informatica Connector Toolkit
  3. Before you begin
  4. Develop a connector for Cloud Data Integration
  5. Develop a connector for Data Loader
  6. Import a connector
  7. Connection attributes
  8. Type system
  9. Connector metadata
  10. Partitioning capability
  11. Pushdown capability
  12. Mappings in advanced mode
  13. Manual changes to Informatica Connector Toolkit source code
  14. Runtime behavior
  15. Connector example: MySQL_Cloud
  16. Version control integration
  17. Appendix A: Metadata models
  18. Appendix B: ASO model
  19. Appendix C: Connector project migration
  20. Appendix D: Frequently used generic APIs in Informatica Connector Toolkit
  21. Appendix E: Frequently asked questions

Cloud Data Integration Connector Toolkit Developer Guide

Cloud Data Integration Connector Toolkit Developer Guide

Code changes for stored procedures

Code changes for stored procedures

When you create a endpoint metadata object for procedure pattern using stored procedures, you must manually modify the Informatica Connector Toolkit classes and methods to implement stored procedures.
The changes are auto-generated when you run the runtime code for the first time ot when you create the first endpoint metadata object. If the endpoint metadata object created is not the first one, perform the following steps:
  1. Add the following import statement in the RuntimeDataAdapter class:
    import com.informatica.sdk.adapter.metadata.common.typesystem.typelibrary.semantic.iface.StructuralFeature; import com.informatica.sdk.adapter.metadata.projection.sinkoperation.semantic.iface.PlatformSink; import com.informatica.sdk.adapter.metadata.patternblocks.procedure.semantic.iface.Procedure;
  2. Declare the following variables in the RuntimeDataAdapter class:
    private String procName=null; private List<StructuralFeature> sfList = null; private Procedure pr = null; private ArrayList<Parameter> inputParamList = null; private ArrayList<Parameter> outputParamList = null;
  3. Use the following code in the initDataSession method of RuntimeDataAdapter class to initialize the variables in step 2.
    List<Capability> caps1 = m_asoOperation1.getCapabilities(); Capability cap1 = caps1.get(0); if (cap1 instanceof CallCapability) { Projection readProj = m_asoOperation1.getReadProjection(); NativeSource nativeSrcOp = (NativeSource) (readProj.getBaseOperations(OperationTypeEnum.NATIVE_SOURCE) .get(0)); Procedure m_nativeProcedure = (Procedure) ((nativeSrcOp).getNativeRecord()); PlatformSink platformSink = (PlatformSink) (readProj.getBaseOperations(OperationTypeEnum.PLATFORM_SINK).get(0)); this.sfList = platformSink.getComplexType().getStructuralFeatures();; this.procName = m_nativeProcedure.getName(); this.inputParamList = new ArrayList<Parameter>(); this.outputParamList = new ArrayList<Parameter>(); List<com.informatica.sdk.adapter.metadata.field.semantic.iface.FieldBase> paramList = m_nativeProcedure.getFieldList(); for (com.informatica.sdk.adapter.metadata.field.semantic.iface.FieldBase fieldBase : paramList) { Parameter param = (Parameter)fieldBase; ParameterTypeEnum type = param.getParameterTypeEnum(); switch(type) { case INOUT_TYPE: this.inputParamList.add(param); this.outputParamList.add(param); break; case IN_TYPE: this.inputParamList.add(param); break; case OUT_TYPE: this.outputParamList.add(param); break; default: } } return EReturnStatus.SUCCESS; }
  4. Implement the call method in the RuntimeDataAdapter class.
    The following code snippet shows an example on how to implement the call method for MySQL_Cloud Connector:
    @Override public int call(DataSession dataSession, CallAttributes callAttr) throws SDKException{ InfaUtils pInfaUtils = dataSession.getInfaUtilsHandle(); logger = pInfaUtils.getLogger(); MySQL_CloudTableDataConnection conn = (MySQL_CloudTableDataConnection) dataSession.getConnection(); Connection nativeConn = (Connection) conn.getNativeConnection(); int paramListSize = pr.getFieldList().size(); String procQuery = "{CALL " + procName + "("; for (int i=0 ; i < paramListSize; i++) { if(i+1==paramListSize) { procQuery=procQuery+ "?"; break; } procQuery=procQuery+ "?,"; } procQuery = procQuery + ")}"; CallableStatement callStmt = null; int col = 0; int rowSize = callAttr.getNumInputRows(); List<List<Object>> result = new ArrayList<List<Object>>(); String stringValue = null; BigDecimal bdc=null; Timestamp ts=null; Date dt=null; Time time=null; double doubleValue; float floatValue; long longValue; int intValue; try { for(int i=0; i < rowSize; i++) { col=0; callStmt = nativeConn.prepareCall(procQuery); for (com.informatica.sdk.adapter.metadata.field.semantic.iface.FieldBase fieldBase : pr .getFieldList()) { Parameter param = (Parameter) fieldBase; String dataType = param.getDataType(); DataAttributes dataAttr = new DataAttributes(); switch (dataType) { case "TINYINT" : case "SMALLINT" : case "MEDIUMINT": case "INT": if(param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.IN_TYPE || param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.INOUT_TYPE) { dataAttr.setRowIndex(i); dataAttr.setColumnIndex(col); stringValue = dataSession.getStringData(dataAttr); if(stringValue==null) { callStmt.setNull(col + 1,Types.INTEGER); } else { intValue = Integer.parseInt(stringValue); callStmt.setInt(col + 1, intValue); } } else { if(dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("TINYINT")) { callStmt.registerOutParameter(col+1, Types.TINYINT); } else if(dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("SMALLINT")) { callStmt.registerOutParameter(col+1, Types.SMALLINT); } else { callStmt.registerOutParameter(col+1, Types.INTEGER); } } break; case "BIGINT": if(param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.IN_TYPE || param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.INOUT_TYPE) { dataAttr.setRowIndex(i); dataAttr.setColumnIndex(col); stringValue = dataSession.getStringData(dataAttr); if(stringValue==null) { callStmt.setNull(col + 1,Types.BIGINT); } else { longValue = Long.parseLong(stringValue); callStmt.setLong(col + 1, longValue); } } else { callStmt.registerOutParameter(col+1, Types.BIGINT); } break; case "DOUBLE": if(param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.IN_TYPE || param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.INOUT_TYPE) { dataAttr.setRowIndex(i); dataAttr.setColumnIndex(col); stringValue = dataSession.getStringData(dataAttr); if(stringValue==null) { callStmt.setNull(col + 1,Types.DOUBLE); } else { doubleValue = Double.parseDouble(stringValue); callStmt.setDouble(col + 1, doubleValue); } } else { callStmt.registerOutParameter(col+1, Types.BIGINT); } break; case "FLOAT": if(param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.IN_TYPE || param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.INOUT_TYPE) { dataAttr.setRowIndex(i); dataAttr.setColumnIndex(col); stringValue = dataSession.getStringData(dataAttr); if(stringValue==null) { callStmt.setNull(col + 1,Types.FLOAT); } else { floatValue = Float.parseFloat(stringValue); callStmt.setFloat(col + 1, floatValue); } } else { callStmt.registerOutParameter(col+1, Types.BIGINT); } break; case "BIT": if (param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.IN_TYPE || param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.INOUT_TYPE) { dataAttr.setRowIndex(i); dataAttr.setColumnIndex(col); stringValue = dataSession.getStringData(dataAttr); if(stringValue.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) stringValue="1"; else stringValue="0"; if(stringValue==null) { callStmt.setNull(col+1, Types.BIT); } else callStmt.setString(col+1, stringValue); } else { callStmt.registerOutParameter(col+1, Types.BIT); } break; case "CHAR": if (param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.IN_TYPE || param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.INOUT_TYPE) { dataAttr.setRowIndex(i); dataAttr.setColumnIndex(col); stringValue = dataSession.getStringData(dataAttr); if(stringValue==null) { callStmt.setNull(col+1, Types.CHAR); } else callStmt.setString(col+1, stringValue); } else { callStmt.registerOutParameter(col+1, Types.CHAR); } break; case "VARCHAR": if (param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.IN_TYPE || param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.INOUT_TYPE) { dataAttr.setRowIndex(i); dataAttr.setColumnIndex(col); stringValue = dataSession.getStringData(dataAttr); if(stringValue==null) { callStmt.setNull(col+1, Types.VARCHAR); } else callStmt.setString(col+1, stringValue); } else { callStmt.registerOutParameter(col+1, Types.VARCHAR); } break; case "DATETIME": case "TIMESTAMP": if (param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.IN_TYPE || param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.INOUT_TYPE) { dataAttr.setRowIndex(i); dataAttr.setColumnIndex(col); ts = dataSession.getDateTimeData(dataAttr); if(ts==null) { callStmt.setNull(col+1, Types.TIMESTAMP); } else callStmt.setTimestamp(col+1,ts); } else { callStmt.registerOutParameter(col+1, Types.TIMESTAMP); } break; case "DATE": if (param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.IN_TYPE || param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.INOUT_TYPE) { dataAttr.setRowIndex(i); dataAttr.setColumnIndex(col); ts = dataSession.getDateTimeData(dataAttr); if(ts==null) { callStmt.setNull(col+1, Types.DATE); } else { dt = new Date(ts.getTime()); callStmt.setDate(col+1,dt); } } else { callStmt.registerOutParameter(col+1, Types.DATE); } break; case "TIME": if (param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.IN_TYPE || param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.INOUT_TYPE) { dataAttr.setRowIndex(i); dataAttr.setColumnIndex(col); ts = dataSession.getDateTimeData(dataAttr); if(ts==null) { callStmt.setNull(col+1, Types.TIME); } else { time = new Time(ts.getTime()); callStmt.setTime(col+1,time); } } else { callStmt.registerOutParameter(col+1, Types.TIME); } break; case "DECIMAL": if (param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.IN_TYPE || param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.INOUT_TYPE) { dataAttr.setRowIndex(i); dataAttr.setColumnIndex(col); bdc=dataSession.getBigDecimalData(dataAttr); if(bdc==null) { callStmt.setNull(col+1, Types.DECIMAL); } else callStmt.setBigDecimal(col+1,bdc); } else { callStmt.registerOutParameter(col+1, Types.DECIMAL); } break; case "NUMERIC": if (param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.IN_TYPE || param.getParameterTypeEnum()==ParameterTypeEnum.INOUT_TYPE) { dataAttr.setRowIndex(i); dataAttr.setColumnIndex(col); bdc=dataSession.getBigDecimalData(dataAttr); if(bdc==null) { callStmt.setNull(col+1, Types.NUMERIC); } else callStmt.setBigDecimal(col+1,bdc); } else { callStmt.registerOutParameter(col+1, Types.NUMERIC); } break; default : logger.logMessage(EMessageLevel.MSG_ERROR, ELogLevel.TRACE_NONE,"MySQL Stored Procedure encountered failure for the field " + param.getNativeName() + " with the value " + dataSession.getStringData(dataAttr)); logger.logMessage(EMessageLevel.MSG_ERROR, ELogLevel.TRACE_NONE,"MySQL Stored Procedure is not supported for the datatype "+dataType); return EReturnStatus.FAILURE; } col++; } callStmt.executeQuery(); List<Object> resultRow = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Parameter outParam : this.outputParamList) { Object val=null; switch(outParam.getDataType().toUpperCase()) { case "TIMESTAMP": val = callStmt.getTimestamp(outParam.getName()); resultRow.add(val); break; case "DATE": val= callStmt.getDate(outParam.getName()); resultRow.add(val); break; case "TIME": val = callStmt.getTime(outParam.getName()); resultRow.add(val); break; default: val = callStmt.getObject(outParam.getName()); resultRow.add(val); break; } } result.add(resultRow); } setProcDataToPlatform(dataSession,result); callAttr.setNumRowsInOutputBuffer(result.size()); if(callStmt!=null) callStmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return EReturnStatus.FAILURE; } return EReturnStatus.NO_MORE_DATA; }
  5. Use the following sample code for the setProcDataToPlatform method referenced in step 4.
    //** * Sets the multiple row data in the data table to the data session buffer * * <pre> * ################################## * AUTOGENERATED CODE * ################################## * </pre> * * @param dataSession * The dataSession instance, which is the container for SDK * handles. * @param dataTable * List of List of Objects. Each List of Objects represents a * single row. */ public void setProcDataToPlatform(DataSession dataSession, List<List<Object>> dataTable) throws SDKException { for (int row = 0; row < dataTable.size(); row++) { List<Object> rowData = dataTable.get(row); for (int col = 0; col < dataTable.get(0).size(); col++) { DataAttributes pDataAttributes = new DataAttributes(); pDataAttributes.setDataSetId(0); pDataAttributes.setColumnIndex(col); pDataAttributes.setRowIndex(row); Object data = rowData.get(col); String dataType = sfList.get(col).getDataType(); String columnName = sfList.get(col).getName(); if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("string") || dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("text")) { if (data == null) { pDataAttributes.setLength(0); dataSession.setStringData((String) data, pDataAttributes); } else { String text = data.toString(); int fieldLength = sfList.get(col).getPrecision(); if (text.length() > fieldLength) { pDataAttributes.setLength(fieldLength); pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.TRUNCATED); dataSession.setStringData(text.substring(0, fieldLength), pDataAttributes); } else { pDataAttributes.setLength(text.length()); pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.VALID); } dataSession.setStringData(text, pDataAttributes); } } else if (dataType.compareToIgnoreCase("double") == 0) { if (data instanceof Double) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.VALID); } else if (data instanceof Number) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.VALID); data = ((Number) data).doubleValue(); } else if (data == null) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.NULL); } else { logger.logMessage(EMessageLevel.MSG_ERROR, ELogLevel.TRACE_NONE, "Data for column [" + columnName + "] of type [" + dataType + "] " + "should be a of type [" + Number.class.getName() + "] or its sub-types."); data = null; } dataSession.setDoubleData((Double) data, pDataAttributes); } else if (dataType.compareToIgnoreCase("float") == 0) { if (data instanceof Float) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.VALID); } else if (data instanceof Number) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.VALID); data = ((Number) data).floatValue(); } else if (data == null) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.NULL); } else { logger.logMessage(EMessageLevel.MSG_ERROR, ELogLevel.TRACE_NONE, "Data for column [" + columnName + "] of type [" + dataType + "] " + "should be a of type [" + Number.class.getName() + "] or its sub-types."); data = null; } dataSession.setFloatData((Float) data, pDataAttributes); } else if (dataType.compareToIgnoreCase("long") == 0) { if (data instanceof Long) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.VALID); } else if (data instanceof Number) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.VALID); data = ((Number) data).longValue(); } else if (data == null) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.NULL); } else { logger.logMessage(EMessageLevel.MSG_ERROR, ELogLevel.TRACE_NONE, "Data for column [" + columnName + "] of type [" + dataType + "] " + "should be a of type [" + Number.class.getName() + "] or its sub-types."); data = null; } dataSession.setLongData((Long) data, pDataAttributes); } else if (dataType.compareToIgnoreCase("short") == 0) { if (data instanceof Short) pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.VALID); else if (data instanceof Number) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.VALID); data = ((Number) data).shortValue(); } else if (data == null) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.NULL); } else { logger.logMessage(EMessageLevel.MSG_ERROR, ELogLevel.TRACE_NONE, "Data for column [" + columnName + "] of type [" + dataType + "] " + "should be a of type [" + Number.class.getName() + "] or its sub-types."); data = null; } dataSession.setShortData((Short) data, pDataAttributes); } else if (dataType.compareToIgnoreCase("integer") == 0) { if (data instanceof Integer) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.VALID); } else if (data instanceof Number) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.VALID); data = ((Number) data).intValue(); } else if (data == null) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.NULL); } else { logger.logMessage(EMessageLevel.MSG_ERROR, ELogLevel.TRACE_NONE, "Data for column [" + columnName + "] of type [" + dataType + "] " + "should be a of type [" + Number.class.getName() + "] or its sub-types."); data = null; } dataSession.setIntData((Integer) data, pDataAttributes); } else if (dataType.compareToIgnoreCase("bigint") == 0) { if (data instanceof Long) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.VALID); } else if (data instanceof Number) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.VALID); data = ((Number) data).longValue(); } else if (data == null) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.NULL); } else { logger.logMessage(EMessageLevel.MSG_ERROR, ELogLevel.TRACE_NONE, "Data for column [" + columnName + "] of type [" + dataType + "] " + "should be a of type [" + Number.class.getName() + "] or its sub-types."); data = null; } dataSession.setLongData((Long) data, pDataAttributes); } else if (dataType.compareToIgnoreCase("date/time") == 0) { if (data instanceof Timestamp) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.VALID); } else if (data instanceof Date) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.VALID); Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(((Date) data).getTime()); data = ts; } else if (data instanceof Time) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.VALID); Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(((Time) data).getTime()); data = ts; } else if (data == null) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.NULL); } else { logger.logMessage(EMessageLevel.MSG_ERROR, ELogLevel.TRACE_NONE, "Data for column [" + columnName + "] of type [" + dataType + "]" + " should be a of type [" + Timestamp.class.getName() + "]."); data = null; } dataSession.setDateTimeData((Timestamp) data, pDataAttributes); } else if (dataType.compareToIgnoreCase("binary") == 0) { if (data instanceof byte[]) { pDataAttributes.setLength(((byte[]) data).length); pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.VALID); } else if (data == null) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.NULL); } else { logger.logMessage(EMessageLevel.MSG_DEBUG, ELogLevel.TRACE_VERBOSE_DATA, "Data for type [" + dataType + "] should be a of type [" + byte[].class.getName() + "]."); data = null; } dataSession.setBinaryData((byte[]) data, pDataAttributes); } else if (dataType.compareToIgnoreCase("decimal") == 0) { if (data instanceof BigDecimal) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.VALID); } else if (data == null) { pDataAttributes.setIndicator(EIndicator.NULL); } else { logger.logMessage(EMessageLevel.MSG_DEBUG, ELogLevel.TRACE_VERBOSE_DATA, "Data for type [" + dataType + "] should be a of type [" + BigDecimal.class.getName() + "]."); data = null; } dataSession.setBigDecimalData((BigDecimal) data, pDataAttributes); } } } }


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