The sample MySQL_Cloud Connector includes the following components:
Use the contribution plug-in project to get information on plug-ins that contribute to the MySQL_Cloud Connector project. The name of the MySQL_Cloud contribution plug-in is
Connection model
Use the connection model Java project to represent the connection model for the MySQL_Cloud Connector. The name of the MySQL_Cloud connection model Java project is
Use the connection adapter plug-in project to provide connection attribute information and consumer information for the MySQL_Cloud Connector. The name of the MySQL_Cloud connection attributes plug-in is
Use the seed provider Java project to map native data types to Informatica data types. The name of the MySQL_Cloud seed provider Java project is
Type system
Use the type system plug-in project to contribute the seed provider of the connector to the Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services platform. The name of the MySQL_Cloud type system plug-in project is
Metadata model
Use the metadata model Java project to represent the metadata model for the MySQL_Cloud Connector. The name of the MySQL_Cloud metadata model Java project is
Use the metadata adapter Java project to provide the functionality to open and close connections to the MySQL_Cloud Connector. The name of the MySQL_Cloud metadata adapter Java project is
Use the run-time model Java project to represent the run-time model for the MySQL_Cloud Connector. The name of the MySQL_Cloud run-time model java project is
Use the run-time adapter plug-in project to implement run-time adapter for the MySQL_Cloud Connector in Java. The name of the MySQL_Cloud run-time adapter plug-in project is
Use the run-time pdo plug-in project to implement run-time pushdown optimization for the MySQL_Cloud Connector in Java. The name of the MySQL_Cloud run-time pdo plug-in project is
Metamodel bundle
Use the MySQL_Cloud metamodel bundle plug-in project to list the metaclasses for connector packages such as connection, metadata, run-time ASO, and run-time capability. The name of the MySQL_Cloud metamodel bundle plug-in project is
Model attributes
Use the model attributes plug-in project to define the presentation labels for the field, record, and run-time extensions. The name of the MySQL_Cloud model attributes plug-in project is
Use the messages design plug-in project to implement design-time messages for the MySQL_Cloud Connector in Java. The name of the MySQL_Cloud messages design plug-in project is
Use the messages runtime plug-in project to implement run-time messages for the MySQL_Cloud Connector in Java. The name of the MySQL_Cloud messages runtime plug-in project is
Use the library info plug-in project to define the run-time adapter based on the programming language in which you implement the run-time adapter. Currently, you can use only Java interfaces to implement the run-time connector. The name of the MySQL_Cloud library Info plug-in project is
Use the license Java project to perform license checks for the MySQL_Cloud Connector. The name of the MySQL_Cloud license Java project is
UI wizard
Use the UI wizard project to define the icons for the Import wizard. The UI wizard project is a Java project. Cloud Data Integration uses the import options to display UI components when a connector consumer creates a data object. The name of the UI wizard project is
Use the feature plug-in project, which is an Eclipse feature, to define a connector plug-in. The name of the MySQL_Cloud feature plug-in project is