Data Integration Connector Toolkit
- Data Integration Connector Toolkit
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Attribute Property
| Description
| Indicates whether the connector uses the connection attribute.
Set to true to include the connection attribute in the connector. Set to false to exclude the connection attribute from the connector.
If this property is set to false, the connection attribute will be ignored by the connector. The attribute values cannot be set or validated and the attribute cannot be displayed on the connection management user interface.
| Description of the connection attribute.
| Indicates whether a connection attribute is required and must have a value.
Set to true if the connection attribute is required. Set to false if the attribute value can be null.
If you set the isMandatory property to true but you do not display the attribute on the connection management user interface, you must set a default value for the attribute.
| Default value for the attribute.
| Maximum length of a character string.
| Minimum length of a character string.
| Lower limit of a numeric range.
| Upper limit of a numeric range.
| List of values allowed for the attribute.
| Option name for the connection attribute. This name is used when the attribute is passed as an option to an Informatica command line program. The display name cannot contain spaces.