The segment settings define custom segment structures for different object classes, such as account and contact.
Use the setup wizard to configure the following segment settings:
Name of the object class or the record type for which you want to define the segment settings.
You can use one of the following name formats to define segment settings:
For an object class,
<Object Class Name>
For example, Account.
For one or more record types,
<Object Class Name>:<Record Type Name1>,<Record Type Name2>,...<Record Type NameN>
For example, Account:Personal,Sales indicates that the segment settings are applicable to the Personal and Sales record types.
Component Fields 1 through 5
API names of the bean fields to use to generate the segment.
Component Length 1 through 5
The number of characters to use from the API names of beans that you specify in the component fields.
Ensure that the fields that you select distribute data equally across all segments for better performance.
You cannot define segment settings for person accounts. The person accounts use the segment settings that you define for Contact. If you use Salesforce record types, the person accounts use the segment settings of the record type that you define for Contact. If you do not define the record type-specific segment settings, the person accounts use the segment settings of the default record type that you set for Contact.