Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Informatica MDM - Supplier 360
  3. Getting Started
  4. Adding Records
  5. Importing Bulk Data
  6. Working with Drafts
  7. Finding Records
  8. Editing Records
  9. Reviewing a Supplier
  10. Reviewing Multiple Suppliers
  11. Managing Suppliers
  12. Communicating with Suppliers
  13. Investigating Relationships
  14. Creating Supplier Profiles on the Supplier Portal

Network View

Network View

view displays all relationships for the open record, including network relationships and hierarchy relationships. Use the
view to view, create, and manage network relationships and to view hierarchy relationships.
You can view the network of relationships for a record for an effective date. You can show, hide, and filter relationships and records in the network graph. You can also export the network graph.
The following image shows a sample
view for a record:
Shows the Network panel and Relationship panel of the Network view.
  1. Network panel
  2. Relationship panel

Network Panel

The network panel contains the canvas, which shows the network of relationships for the open record. You can expand, collapse, and rearrange nodes on the canvas. You can also add relationships and records to the network.

Relationship Panel

The following table lists the user interface elements of the relationship panel:
User Interface Element
Active tab
Shows the active network relationships for the open record based on the effective date.
Inactive tab
Shows the inactive network relationships for the open record based on the effective date.
Quick View tab
Optional. Shows a condensed summary of the record details for the open record.
Your MDM administrator configures the
Quick View
tab. Contact your MDM administrator to configure the view.


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