Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Informatica MDM - Supplier 360
  3. Getting Started
  4. Adding Records
  5. Importing Bulk Data
  6. Working with Drafts
  7. Finding Records
  8. Editing Records
  9. Reviewing a Supplier
  10. Reviewing Multiple Suppliers
  11. Managing Suppliers
  12. Communicating with Suppliers
  13. Investigating Relationships
  14. Creating Supplier Profiles on the Supplier Portal

Editing a Task

Editing a Task

As you work with tasks, you might decide that some task properties need to be changed. For example, if changes are made to the record of an important client, you might want to increase the priority of the review task. Or, if you plan to be away and want to finish a set of tasks before you leave, you can change the due dates for the tasks to represent a date before your planned absence.
  1. Click
    Task Manager
    The task panel contains a list of tasks.
  2. In the task panel, select the task you want to edit.
  3. In the review panel, click
    Task Details
    The following image shows the
    Task Details
    dialog box:
    The Task Details dialog box shows information about the currently selected task.
  4. Edit one or more of the following fields to change the task properties:
    Task Title
    Enter a title that is more meaningful to you. A good title includes at least the name of the record and the change that initiated the review.
    Select a priority that reflects the urgency within the business to resolve this change.
    Due Date
    Select a due date that reflects the urgency within the business to resolve the change.
    Reassign this task to someone else.
    File Attachment
    Attach files to provide additional information about the task. Attachments appear in the
    Task Details
    dialog box.
    File Attachment
    field is available only if the task supports attachments.
    Add Comment
    Add comments to explain edits to the task properties and to track questions and answers about the task. Comments appear in the
    Assign Back to Pool
    Return the task to the pool of unassigned tasks so that other users can claim the task.
    Assign Back to Pool
    button is available only if the task belongs to another user.
  5. Click


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