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| Description
| Name of the
advanced configuration .
| Description of the
advanced configuration .
Runtime Environment
| Runtime environment to associate with the
advanced configuration . The runtime environment can contain only one Secure Agent. A runtime environment cannot be associated with more than one configuration.
If you don't select a runtime environment, the validation process can't validate the communication link to the Secure Agent and that the Secure Agent has the minimum runtime requirements to start a cluster.
Cloud Platform
| Cloud platform that hosts the cluster.
Select Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Private Cluster
| Creates an
advanced cluster in which cluster resources have only private IP addresses.
When you choose to create a private cluster, you must specify the VPC and subnet in the advanced properties.
| Description
Optimization Preference
| Cost or performance preference that CLAIRE uses to balance infrastructure costs with cluster performance.
Target Average Cost per Hour (USD)
| Target average cost per hour in USD to run the
advanced cluster .
Maximum Cost per Hour (USD)
| Maximum cost per hour in USD to run the
advanced cluster .
| Description
| Region in which to create the cluster. Use the drop-down menu to view the regions that you can use.
Master Instance Type
| Instance type to host the master node. Use the drop-down menu to view the instance types that you can use in your region.
For information to verify that the instance type that you select from the drop-down menu is supported in the selected availability zones and your AWS account, refer to the AWS documentation.
Not applicable in a CLAIRE-powered configuration.
Master Instance Profile
| Instance profile to be attached to the master node. The name must consist of alphanumeric characters with no spaces. You can also include any of the following characters:
If you specify the master instance profile, you must also specify the worker instance profile.
Worker Instance Type
| Instance type to host the worker nodes. Use the drop-down menu to view the instance types that you can use in your region.
For information to verify that the instance type that you select from the drop-down menu is supported in the selected availability zones and your AWS account, refer to the AWS documentation.
Not applicable in a CLAIRE-powered configuration.
Worker Instance Profile
| Instance profile to be attached to the worker nodes. The name must consist of alphanumeric characters with no spaces. You can also include any of the following characters:
If you specify the worker instance profile, you must also specify the master instance profile.
Number of Worker Nodes
| Number of worker nodes in the cluster. Specify the minimum and maximum number of worker nodes.
Not applicable in a CLAIRE-powered configuration.
Enable Spot Instances
| Indicates whether to use Spot Instances for worker nodes.
Not applicable in a CLAIRE-powered configuration.
Spot Instance Price Ratio
| Maximum percentage of On-Demand Instance price to pay for Spot Instances. Specify an integer value between 1 and 100.
Required if you enable Spot Instances. If you do not enable Spot Instances, this property is ignored.
Not applicable in a CLAIRE-powered configuration.
Enable High Availability
| Indicates whether the cluster is highly available. An odd number of master nodes will be created based on the number of availability zones or subnets that you provide. You must provide at least three availability zones or subnets.
For example, if you provide six availability zones, five master nodes are created with each master node in a different availability zone.
When you provide multiple availability zones or subnets, worker nodes are highly available. Worker nodes are created across the availability zones or subnets regardless of whether high availability is enabled.
For more information about high availability, refer to the Kubernetes documentation.
Not applicable in a CLAIRE-powered configuration.
Availability Zones
| List of AWS availability zones where cluster nodes are created. The master node is created in the first availability zone in the list. If multiple zones are specified, the cluster nodes are created across the specified zones.
If you specify availability zones, the zones must be unique and be within the specified region.
The availability zones that you can use depend on your AWS account. To check which zones are available for your account, refer to the AWS documentation.
Required if you do not specify a VPC. If you specify a VPC, you cannot provide availability zones. You must provide subnets instead of availability zones.
EBS Volume Type
| Type of Amazon EBS volumes to attach to Amazon EC2 instances as local storage. You can use only EBS General Purpose SSD (gp2).
Not applicable in a CLAIRE-powered configuration.
EBS Volume Size
| Size of the EBS volume to attach to a worker node for temporary storage during data processing. The volume size scales between the minimum and maximum based on job requirements. The range must be between 50 GB and 16 TB.
By default, the minimum and maximum volume sizes are 100 GB.
This configuration property does not apply to Graviton-enabled clusters, as Graviton does not support storage scaling.
When the volume size scales down, the jobs that are currently running on the cluster might take longer to complete.
Not applicable in a CLAIRE-powered configuration.
Cluster Shutdown
| Cluster shutdown method. You can select one of the following cluster shutdown methods:
Not applicable in a CLAIRE-powered configuration.
Mapping Task Timeout
| Amount of time to wait for a
mapping task to complete before it is terminated. By default, a
mapping task does not have a timeout.
If you specify a timeout, a value of at least 10 minutes is recommended. The timeout begins when the
mapping task is submitted to the Secure Agent.
Staging Location
| Location on Amazon S3 for staging data.
You can use a path that includes the folders in the bucket, such as
<bucket name>/<folder name> . Specify an S3 bucket in the same region as the cluster to improve latency.
Log Location
| Location on Amazon S3 to store logs that are generated when you run an
advanced job .
You can use a path that includes the folders in the bucket, such as
<bucket name>/<folder name> . Specify an S3 bucket in the same region as the cluster to improve latency.
| Description
| Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in which to create the cluster. The VPC must be in the specified region.
If you choose to not create a private cluster, you do not need to specify a VPC. In this case, the agent creates a VPC on your AWS account based on the region and the availability zones that you select.
If you plan to use the Sequence Generator transformation, you must specify a VPC and subnets.
| Subnets in which to create cluster nodes. Use a comma-separated list to specify the subnets.
Required if a VPC is specified. Each subnet must be in a different availability zone within the specified VPC.
If you do not specify a VPC, you cannot specify subnets. You must provide availability zones instead of subnets.
If you plan to use the Sequence Generator transformation, you must specify a VPC and subnets.
Initialization Script Path
| Amazon S3 file path of the initialization script to run on each cluster node when the node is created. Use the format:
<bucket name>/<folder name> . The script can reference other init scripts in the same folder or in a subfolder.
The script must be a bash script.
ELB Security Group
| Defines the inbound rules between the Kubernetes API server and clients that are external to the
advanced cluster . Also defines the outbound rules between the Kubernetes API server and the cluster nodes. This security group attaches to the load balancer that the Secure Agent provisions for the
advanced cluster .
When you specify a security group, VPC and subnet information are required.
For more information about security groups, see
Step 4. Create user-defined security groups for Amazon EC2.
Master Security Group ID
| Defines the inbound rules between master nodes and worker nodes in the
advanced cluster , ELB security group, Secure Agent, and outbound rules to other nodes. This security group attaches to all master nodes of the cluster.
When you specify a security group, VPC and subnet information are required.
For more information about security groups, see
Step 4. Create user-defined security groups for Amazon EC2.
Worker Security Group ID
| Defines the inbound and outbound rules between worker nodes in the
advanced cluster and other nodes. This security group is attached to all worker nodes of the cluster.
When you specify a security group, VPC and subnet information are required.
For more information about security groups, see
Step 4. Create user-defined security groups for Amazon EC2.
AWS Tags
| AWS tags to apply to cluster nodes. Each tag has a key and a value. The key can be up to 127 characters long. The value can be up to 256 characters long.
You can list a maximum of 30 tags. The Secure Agent also assigns default tags to cloud resources. The default tags do not contribute to the limit of 30 tags.
Issues can occur when you override default tags. Do not override the following default tags:
The key cannot start with "aws:" because AWS reserves this phrase for their use.
Tags cannot include UTF-8 characters \u241e and \u241f that correspond to record and unit separators represented by ASCII control characters 30 and 31.
| Description
Encrypt Data
| Indicates whether temporary data on the cluster is encrypted.
Encrypting temporary data might slow down job performance.
Runtime Properties
| Custom properties to customize the cluster and the jobs that run on the cluster.