Verify that the VNet and subnets can route requests in an
advanced cluster
so that cluster nodes and the Secure Agent can communicate with each other and access the internet.
For example, cluster nodes access the internet to download Informatica's Docker images and artifacts and to access services on
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
To make sure that the VNet and subnets can route requests, verify the following items on Microsoft Azure:
The subnet is associated with a NAT gateway, a network security group, and a route table based on your networking requirements.
The NAT gateway allows private cluster nodes to access the internet. You can use a route table to route traffic through a firewall or proxy. You can also define endpoints at the VNet level to avoid routing traffic through the internet when cluster nodes access certain services on the cloud platform.
DNS hostnames and DNS resolution are enabled.
For more information, refer to the Microsoft Azure documentation.