Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Advanced clusters
  3. Setting up AWS
  4. Setting up Google Cloud
  5. Setting up Microsoft Azure
  6. Setting up a self-service cluster
  7. Setting up a local cluster
  8. Advanced configurations
  9. Troubleshooting
  10. Appendix A: Command reference

Advanced Clusters

Advanced Clusters

Learn about the AWS cluster

Learn about the AWS cluster

When you create an
advanced cluster
in an AWS environment, the cluster uses an OS image that Informatica manages and publishes.
The OS image includes certain prebuilt packages and the following additional yum packages:
device-mapper-persistent-data docker-ce gnupg2 gzip kernel-devel kernel-headers kubeadm kubelet lvm2 tar unzip yum-utils
The OS image also includes the following docker images:
calico/kube-controllers calico/node calico/cni calico/pod2daemon-flexvol coreos/flannel coreos/flannel-cni imega/jq kube-scheduler


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