To process data, the Secure Agent and the self-service cluster access the resources that are part of a job, including resources on the cloud platform, source and target data, and staging and log locations.
The agent and the cluster access resources to perform the following tasks:
Design a mapping.
Connect to a self-service cluster.
Run a job, including a data preview job.
Poll logs.
Designing a mapping
When you design a mapping, the Secure Agent accesses sources and targets so that you can read and write data.
For example, when you add a Source transformation to a mapping, the Secure Agent accesses the source to display the fields that you can use in the rest of the mapping. The Secure Agent also accesses the source when you preview data.
To access a source or target, the Secure Agent uses the connection properties. For example, the Secure Agent might use the user name and password that you provide in the connection properties to access a database.
Connecting to a self-service cluster
To use a Kubernetes cluster as a self-service cluster, the Secure Agent connects to the Kubernetes cluster and creates Informatica-specific Kubernetes resources within a particular namespace in the cluster.
The following image shows how the Secure Agent interacts with the Kubernetes cluster:
You run a job.
The Secure Agent uses the storage role to verify that the cluster can access staging and log locations.
The Secure Agent uses the storage role to store cluster details in the staging location.
The Secure Agent uses the kubeconfig file to access the cluster.
The Secure Agent uses the permissions defined for the Kubernetes user in the kubeconfig file to create Kubernetes resources like Pods, ConfigMaps, and DaemonSets.
Running a job
To run a job, the Secure Agent and the resources in the Informatica-specific namespace of the Kubernetes cluster access the staging and log locations as well as the sources and targets in the job. To process the data in the job, Informatica uses the nodes in the Kubernetes cluster that you assign to Informatica through node labels and tolerations.
When a developer runs a job from a service like
Data Integration
, the pending Kubernetes Pods from the Spark job can also trigger the Kubernetes cluster to scale out through the Cluster AutoScaler that you deploy on the Kubernetes cluster.
The following image shows how the Secure Agent and the self-service cluster access resources to run a job:
The Secure Agent uses the storage role to store job
dependencies in the staging location. For more information about the
storage role, see Step 6. Create a storage role.
The Secure Agent uses the kubeconfig file to submit
the job to the Kubernetes cluster to run on Informatica-specific
Spark Pods use the storage role to access the staging location to get job dependencies and stage temporary data.
Spark Pods use the connection-level permissions to access source data.
Spark Pods use the storage role to store logs in the log location.
The Secure Agent uses the storage role to upload the agent job log to the log location.
Polling logs
When you use Monitor, the Secure Agent accesses the log location to poll logs.
To poll logs from the log location, the Secure Agent uses the storage role.