Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Advanced clusters
  3. Setting up AWS
  4. Setting up Google Cloud
  5. Setting up Microsoft Azure
  6. Setting up a self-service cluster
  7. Setting up a local cluster
  8. Advanced configurations
  9. Troubleshooting
  10. Appendix A: Command reference

Advanced Clusters

Advanced Clusters

Create a storage role on Microsoft Azure

Create a storage role on Microsoft Azure

If the self-service cluster is on Microsoft Azure, create a managed identity with a storage role that can access the staging and log locations and associate it with the Secure Agent machine.
For detailed instructions about creating a managed identity, refer to the Microsoft Azure documentation.
  1. In Azure, create a managed identity named storage_identity.
    You can use an existing system-assigned managed identity or you can create a user-assigned managed identity. If you create a user-assigned managed identity, disable the system-assigned managed identity.
  2. Create a custom role named storage_role with the following role definition:
    { "properties":{ "roleName":"storage_role", "description":"", "assignableScopes":[ "/subscriptions/<subscription ID>/resourceGroups/<storage resource group>" ], "permissions":[ { "actions":[ "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/read", "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/write", "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listKeys/action" ], "notActions":[ ], "dataActions":[ ], "notDataActions":[ ] } ] } }
  3. Assign the custom role storage_role to the managed identity named storage_identity.
  4. Assign the managed identity storage_identity to the Secure Agent machine.


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