Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Address Validation Status Ports
  4. Building and Residence Data Ports
  5. Business and Organization Data Ports
  6. City and Locality Data Ports
  7. Country Data Ports
  8. Customer Segmentation Data Ports
  9. Enrichment Data Ports
  10. Formatted Data Ports
  11. Postal Carrier Certification Data Ports
  12. Postcode Data Ports
  13. Province and State Data Ports
  14. Residual Data Ports
  15. Street Data Ports
  16. Supplementary Data Ports
  17. XML Ports

Address Validator Port Reference

Address Validator Port Reference

Extended Element Result Status

Extended Element Result Status

Output port that supplements the status data on the Element Input Status port and Element Result Status port. The port can also indicate the presence of additional information about an address element in the reference data.

Extended Element Result Status Usage

To verify that an address record is complete, select Extended Element Result Status. The Extended Element Result Status codes indicate the following general conditions for an address:
  • An address is complete, but the address reference data contains additional information.
  • An address is incomplete because it requires additional address elements.
  • An address is incomplete because the address elements identify more than one mailbox.
To find out if the mail carrier requires the missing information, use the Extended Element Result Status port with other status ports. For example, the following address does not identify a single building:
1 Harbour Rd. Wan Chai Hong Kong Island
The following table describes the status that address validation returns for the Building element:
Element Level
Element Input Status
Element Result Status
Extended Element Result Status
Element Relevance
Building level 1
The return code of 1 indicates that Hong Kong address reference data includes additional building data for the address. However, Hongkong Post accepts mail for delivery to the address without the additional data.
To read the output codes on the Extended Element Result Status port, you must understand the types of address information that the characters in the code refer to. For information about the type of address information that each character in the code represents, see the Element Status Ports Overview.

Port Location

The following table provides the location and default precision of the Extended Element Result Status port:
Port Type
Port Group
Template Model
Status Info

Extended Element Result Status Output Codes

The Extended Element Result Status value is a 20-character string in which each character represents a different type of address information.
The following table describes the codes that Extended Element Result Status can return in each position on the output string:
Address reference data contains additional information about the address element. Address validation does not require the additional information.
Address validation updated the address element to resolve a data error or format error. Address validation did not verify the address element.
Address validation updated the address element to resolve a data error or format error. Address validation verified the number data in the address element.
Address validation moved the address element to another field to resolve a format error.
Address reference data contains an alternative version of the address element, such as a preferred locality name.
Address validation did not verify all parts of the address element. The element includes data that address validation cannot validate.
Address validation found a valid address element in the wrong position in an address. Address validation moved the address element to the correct position.
Address validation found a valid address element in the wrong data field. Address validation moved the address element to the correct field.
Address validation generated the output element according to mail carrier validation rules.
Address validation found address elements from different address types that are eligible for the current position. Address validation selected the output address element that conforms the mail carrier rules in the destination country.
Address validation cannot determine the element relevance. Address validation returns the default value for the country that the address specifies.
Suggestion list mode. Address validation can return additional address suggestions for the address element. To return the additional suggestions, update the Max Result Count property for the Address Validator transformation.
Address validation interpolated the numeric data in the address element.
Address validation cannot return the address element in the preferred language. Address validation returns the element in the default language.
Address code lookup mode. The input address is out of date.


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