Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Data Transformation
  3. Data Processor Transformation
  4. Wizard Input and Output Formats
  5. Relational Input and Output
  6. Using the IntelliScript Editor
  7. XMap
  8. Libraries
  9. Schema Object
  10. Command Line Interface
  11. Scripts
  12. Parsers
  13. Script Ports
  14. Document Processors
  15. Formats
  16. Data Holders
  17. Anchors
  18. Transformers
  19. Actions
  20. Serializers
  21. Mappers
  22. Locators, Keys, and Indexing
  23. Streamers
  24. Validators, Notifications, and Failure Handling
  25. Validation Rules
  26. Custom Script Components

User Guide

User Guide

Developing a Custom Component in C or C++

Developing a Custom Component in C or C++

  1. Create a C or C++ project.
  2. Add the following files to the project:
    General.c Utils.c
    You can find the files in the following directory:
  3. Include all
    files from the following directories:
    <INSTALL_DIR>/DataTransformation/samples/SDK/ExternalParameters/Cpp_SDK/Cpp/include api/include
  4. Set the linker option to add the following subdirectory:
  5. Create a module that implements the appropriate functions:
    Component Type
    Input Type
    Document processor
    Document processor
    Multiple files
    Document processor
    Document processor
    C++ stream
    Null-terminated string
    Buffer input that is not null-terminated
    There are some restrictions on whether a single module can implement more than one of the above interfaces. For more information about the interfaces, see the
    External-Component C and C++ Interface Reference
  6. For use on Windows platforms, compile the project to a DLL. For use on Linux or UNIX platforms, compile to a shared object.
  7. Store the DLL or the shared object in the
    directory on every computer where you plan to use the component in a service.
  8. Create a Script file that defines the display name of the component and its properties. Store the file in the
    For more information about this step, see Configuring a Custom Component.
    You can then use the external component in transformations.


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