The EmployeeToWorker XMap moves elements from an employee to a worker. The XMap processes one employee.
The following figure shows the EmployeeToWorker XMap in the XMap editor:
The grid contains the following mapping statements:
Grid row 1, Group statement named EmployeeToWorker
The EmployeeToWorker statement is a Group statement. It provides context for the rest of the mapping statements.
Grid row 2, Map statement named FirstNametoFirstName
The FirstNametoFirstName statement is a Map statement. It maps the first name to the first name.
Grid row 3, Map statement named LastNametoLastName
The LastNametoLastName statement is a Map statement. It maps the last name to the last name.
Grid row 4, Map statement named Employee/@IDtoID
The Employee/@IDtoID statement is a Map statement. It maps the employee ID to the employee ID.
Grid row 5, Map statement named StartDatetoYearsofService
The StartDatetoYearsofService statement is a Map statement. It determines the number of years of service by subtracting a start-date from the current-date.