Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Upgrade Overview
  3. Pre-Upgrade Tasks
  4. Database Tasks
  5. Application Server Tasks
  6. Hub Store Upgrade
  7. Hub Server Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  8. Process Server Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  9. Resource Kit Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  10. Post-Upgrade Tasks
  11. Search Configuration Upgrade
  12. ActiveVOS Post-Installation Tasks for the Application Server
  13. ActiveVOS Post-Upgrade Tasks for Business Entity Adapter
  14. ActiveVOS Post-Upgrade Tasks for Subject Areas Adapter
  15. Troubleshooting the Upgrade Process
  16. Frequently Asked Questions
  17. Processing Existing ActiveVOS Tasks
  18. Configuring Metadata Caching

Upgrading from Version 9.7.1

Upgrading from Version 9.7.1

Run the patchInstallSetup Script

Run the patchInstallSetup Script

If you chose to deploy manually during the Hub Server installation, you must run the patchInstallSetup script.
  1. Navigate to the following directory:
    MDM Hub installation directory
  2. Run the following command to deploy the Hub Server application and apply changes to the application server configuration.
    On UNIX
    On UNIX, if you include an exclamation mark (!) character in the password, you must include a backslash before the exclamation mark (!) character. For example, if the password is
    , enter
    WebLogic -Dweblogic.password=<WebLogic password> -Ddatabase.password=<MDM Hub Master database password> -Davos.username=<ActiveVOS Console username> -Davos.password=<ActiveVOS Console password> -Davos.jdbc.database.password=<ActiveVOS database password>
    In a WebLogic or later environment, if you decided to install ActiveVOS or if you decided to use the WebLogic T3S protocol, add the options that match your decisions:
    • ActiveVOS installed.
    • T3S protocol used.
    WebSphere with security enabled -Dwebsphere.password=<WebSphere password> -Ddatabase.password=<MDM Hub Master database password> -Davos.username=<ActiveVOS Console username> -Davos.password=<ActiveVOS Console password> -Davos.jdbc.database.password=<ActiveVOS database password>
    WebSphere with security disabled -Ddatabase.password=<MDM Hub Master database password> -Davos.username=<ActiveVOS Console username> -Davos.password=<ActiveVOS Console password> -Davos.jdbc.database.password=<ActiveVOS database password>
    JBoss -Ddatabase.password=<MDM Hub Master database password> -Davos.username=<ActiveVOS Console username> -Davos.password=<ActiveVOS Console password> -Davos.jdbc.database.password=<ActiveVOS database password>
    On Windows
    patchInstallSetup.bat -Dweblogic.password=<WebLogic password> -Ddatabase.password=<MDM Hub Master database password> -Davos.username=<ActiveVOS Console username> -Davos.password=<ActiveVOS Console password> -Davos.jdbc.database.password=<ActiveVOS database password>
    In a WebLogic or later environment, if you decided to install ActiveVOS or if you decided to use the WebLogic T3S protocol, add the options that match your decisions:
    • ActiveVOS installed.
    • T3S protocol used.
    WebSphere with security enabled
    patchInstallSetup.bat -Dwebsphere.password=<WebSphere password> -Ddatabase.password=<MDM Hub Master database password> -Davos.username=<ActiveVOS Console username> -Davos.password=<ActiveVOS Console password> -Davos.jdbc.database.password=<ActiveVOS database password>
    WebSphere with security disabled
    patchInstallSetup.bat -Ddatabase.password=<MDM Hub Master database password> -Davos.username=<ActiveVOS Console username> -Davos.password=<ActiveVOS Console password> -Davos.jdbc.database.password=<ActiveVOS database password>
    patchInstallsetup.bat -Ddatabase.password=<MDM Hub Master database password> -Davos.username=<ActiveVOS Console username> -Davos.password=<ActiveVOS Console password> -Davos.jdbc.database.password=<ActiveVOS database password>

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