| Description
Enter the population to add
| Name of the population.
Enter a value for ROWID_SSA_POP (example: INFA.0001) DEFAULT [INFA.0001]
| Unique value for the ROWID_SSA_POP column of the C_REPOS_SSA_POPULATION metadata table. Default is
INFA.0001 |
UPDATE c_repos_ssa_population SET enabled_ind = 1 WHERE population_name = '<Your Population> '; COMMIT;
| Description
Hostname with MSSQL instance for CMX_ORS DB ("localhost")
| Host name of the Microsoft SQL Server instance.
cmx_ors user name ("cmx_ors")
| User name of the Operational Reference Store.
cmx_ors user password
| Password of the Operational Reference Store.
Enter the population name (Note: If you use Person_Name_Kanji for the Japan population or Japan_i population, add the suffix '_Kanji' to the end of the name) DEFAULT (" ")
| Name of the population.
Enter a value for ROWID_SSA_POP (example: INFA.0001) DEFAULT (INFA.0001)
| Unique value for the ROWID_SSA_POP column of the C_REPOS_SSA_POPULATION metadata table.
USE <Operational Reference Store user> GO UPDATE [dbo].[C_REPOS_SSA_POPULATION] SET ENABLED_IND = 1 WHERE POPULATION_NAME = '<population>'