Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Upgrade Overview
  3. Pre-Upgrade Tasks
  4. Database Tasks
  5. Application Server Tasks
  6. Hub Store Upgrade
  7. Hub Server Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  8. Process Server Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  9. Resource Kit Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  10. Post-Upgrade Tasks
  11. Search Configuration Upgrade
  12. ActiveVOS Post-Installation Tasks for the Application Server
  13. ActiveVOS Post-Upgrade Tasks for Business Entity Adapter
  14. ActiveVOS Post-Upgrade Tasks for Subject Areas Adapter
  15. Troubleshooting the Upgrade Process
  16. Frequently Asked Questions
  17. Processing Existing ActiveVOS Tasks
  18. Configuring Metadata Caching

Upgrading from Version 9.7.1

Upgrading from Version 9.7.1

Prepare the Environment

Prepare the Environment

Perform the tasks for the upgrade process you chose.

Clean Upgrade

Perform the following tasks for a clean upgrade:
Verify minimum system requirements
Verify that the machines meet the hardware and software requirements for the
installation. The hardware requirements are dependent on the data, processing volumes, and business rules.
To install the MDM Hub, the machines must meet the following minimum requirements:
  • Disk space. 4.9 GB
  • RAM for the development environment. 4 GB
To verify the run-time physical memory requirements of the
components, use the following formula:
Total run-time memory requirement for MDM Hub components = JDK JVM max heap size of the application server + operating system native heap size
Install Java Development Kit (JDK)
Install a supported version of the JDK on the machine on which you want to install the
. The JDK is not bundled with the
Use the same Java version on the application server machines and on the machines on which you want to launch the Hub Console.
If you want to install Informatica platform on HP-UX, install the supported version of the JDK on the HP-UX machine. The JDK is not bundled with the Informatica platform installer for HP-UX. The JDK is bundled with the Informatica platform installers for all other platforms.
Install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 on Windows only
On Windows systems,
Multidomain MDM
requires Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 to support the name search feature and the matching feature.
Set environment variables
Set the environment variables for the
To use the correct JDK, set the following environment variables to point to the JDK directory:
  • JAVA_HOME. Required
  • PATH. Required
  • INFA_JDK_HOME. Optional. Required if you want to install Informatica platform on AIX or HP-UX.
To set the correct locale behavior for Oracle, set the NLS_LANG environment variable for client application environments such as the Oracle loader, and the
Specify the NLS_LANG parameter in the following format:
NLS_LANG = <language>_<territory>.<character set>
To store and search for records that contain Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or accented characters, set the character set to UTF-8.
For more information about NLS_LANG settings, see the Oracle documentation.
If you want to install Informatica platform with security enabled for the domain, set the INFA_TRUSTSTORE environment variable to point to the following directory:
<Informatica platform installation directory>/Client/clients/shared/security
Set the operating system locale
Set the same operating system locale for the Hub Server, the MDM Hub Master Database, Operational Reference Store, and the Hub Console.
Set up the X Window System on UNIX
If you want to run the installer in graphical mode on UNIX, set up an X Window System. An X Window System is a graphics display server. For more information about setting up an X Window System, see the documentation for your operating system.
Disable access to the root welcome page for your application server
To improve security, disable access to the root welcome page for your application server. For instructions, see the documentation for your application server.
Disable insecure TLS cipher suites
To improve security, in the Java runtime environment that is used with
Multidomain MDM
, disable insecure TLS cipher suites.
  1. Open the following file:
  2. Find the property
    and update the value to include the following list of insecure cipher suites:
    jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms = SSLv3, RC4, MD5withRSA, DH keySize < 1024, EC keySize < 224, DES40_CBC, RC4_40, 3DES_EDE_CBC, EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, DES-CBC3-SHA
For more information about the property, see the documentation for your JDK.
Perform the following additional tasks for a clean upgrade:
Validate the metadata
Ensure the Operational Reference Stores (ORS) do not have any validation errors. If you upgrade the Hub Store when an ORS contains metadata that is not valid, the upgrade might generate unexpected results. Use the Repository Manager in the Hub Console to validate metadata. Resolve any validation issues and then validate the metadata again to confirm that you have resolved the validation issues.
Save a copy of the final validation results in the
upgrade documentation folder.
Use the Repository Manager tool in the MDM Hub Console to validate and then save the validation results.
Update persistent ID implementation
If you use persistent IDs, contact Informatica Global Customer Support. You must update the persistent ID implementation to be compatible with the upgraded version of
Multidomain MDM

In-place Upgrade

Perform the following tasks for an in-place upgrade:
Update the MDM environment to meet system requirements
You might need to update the operating system, application server, JDK, and database server. For system requirements, see the Product Availability Matrix for this version of
Multidomain MDM
(MDM) on Informatica Network:
Update the machines that run MDM to be compliant with the current MDM system requirements.
Install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 on Windows only
On Windows systems,
Multidomain MDM
requires Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 to support the name search feature and the matching feature.
Validate the metadata
Ensure the Operational Reference Stores (ORS) do not have any validation errors. If you upgrade the Hub Store when an ORS contains metadata that is not valid, the upgrade might generate unexpected results. Use the Repository Manager in the Hub Console to validate metadata. Resolve any validation issues and then validate the metadata again to confirm that you have resolved the validation issues.
Save a copy of the final validation results in the
upgrade documentation folder.
Use the Repository Manager tool in the MDM Hub Console to validate and then save the validation results.
Update persistent ID implementation
If you use persistent IDs, contact Informatica Global Customer Support. You must update the persistent ID implementation to be compatible with the upgraded version of
Multidomain MDM
Back up the implementation
Back up your current implementation to retain your customizations and to allow you to restore the environment. If you encounter issues during the upgrade, you can restore your environment from the backup.
Back Up the Schema
Perform a full back up of the schema. You cannot roll back schema changes that the upgrade process makes. If you encounter upgrade issues, you can restore the schema from the backup. To back up your schema, see the documentation for the database.
Back up the Hub Server and Process Server installed directories
Before you install the Hub Server and Process Servers, back up the Hub Server and Process Server installation folders in your environment.
Back Up Your
Data Director
For information about exporting
Data Director
applications with subject areas, see the
Multidomain MDM Data Director Implementation Guide
Register or Back Up Customizations
Customizations that you register in the Hub Console such as custom queries, custom functions, and user exits are maintaining during the upgrade process.
Back up the latest source code of customizations that you do not register in the Hub Console. Unregistered customizations might be unavailable after you upgrade.
Back Up Customized Cleanse Engine Configuration Files
Back up any cleanse engine configuration files that you have customized.
Configure the JAVA_HOME environment variable
JBoss or WebLogic. If you apply the upgrade to the existing installation directory, perform the following steps:
  1. In a JBoss environment, manually remove the JAVA_HOME environment variable setting from the following file:
    • Windows:
      MDM Hub installation directory
    • UNIX:
      MDM Hub installation directory
  2. In a JBoss or WebLogic environment, set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the path of a supported JDK version.
Disable access to the root welcome page for your application server
To improve security, disable access to the root welcome page for your application server. For instructions, see the documentation for your application server.
Set the JBoss Management Port
In JBoss environments, you need to set the JBoss management port in the file before you upgrade. If you do not set the property, the upgrade fails with an error.
  1. Navigate to the following directory:
  2. In a text editor, open the
  3. Add the following property and specify the JBoss management port number:[port]
  4. Save the file.

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