Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Upgrade Overview
  3. Pre-Upgrade Tasks
  4. Database Tasks
  5. Application Server Tasks
  6. Hub Store Upgrade
  7. Hub Server Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  8. Process Server Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  9. Resource Kit Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  10. Post-Upgrade Tasks
  11. Search Configuration Upgrade
  12. ActiveVOS Post-Installation Tasks for the Application Server
  13. ActiveVOS Post-Upgrade Tasks for Business Entity Adapter
  14. ActiveVOS Post-Upgrade Tasks for Subject Areas Adapter
  15. Troubleshooting the Upgrade Process
  16. Frequently Asked Questions
  17. Processing Existing ActiveVOS Tasks
  18. Configuring Metadata Caching

Upgrading from Version 9.7.1

Upgrading from Version 9.7.1

Step 5. Create a Hub Store

Step 5. Create a Hub Store

The Hub Store comprises an MDM Hub Master Database, and one or more Operational Reference Stores. Use the scripts in the MDM Hub distribution to create the database and associated tablespaces, and the Hub Store.
In IBM DB2 with Oracle-compatibility disabled, create a database, an MDM Hub Master Database, and Operational Reference Stores. After you create the MDM Hub Master Database and Operational Reference Stores, import the seed into them.
  1. Create the database and associated tablespaces.
    1. Change to the following location in the distribution directory:
      On UNIX.
      distribution directory
      On Windows.
      distribution directory
    2. Run the following command:
      On UNIX. create_db
      On Windows.
      sip_ant.bat create_db
    3. Answer the prompts described in the following table:
      Enter the database type (ORACLE, MSSQL, DB2)
      Database type. Specify DB2.
      Enter the database instance name [db2]
      Name of the database instance. Default is
      Enter the database name [SIP97]
      Name of the database. Default is
      Enter the database storage path [C:\DB2DATA]
      Path to the directory where database must be stored. Default is
      On UNIX, accept the default value. The database storage path that you specify in the
      file will be used.
      Enter the DBA user name [DB2ADMIN]
      User name of the administrative user. Default is
      Enter the DBA password
      Password of the administrative user.
      Create the database proxy role [y/n] [y]
      Specifies whether you want to create the database proxy role.
      Enter one of the following values:
      • y. Creates a database proxy role.
      • n. Database proxy role is not created.
      Default is
      The script creates the database and the required tablespaces.
  2. Create an MDM Hub Master Database.
    1. Change to the following location in the distribution directory:
      On UNIX.
      distribution directory
      On Windows.
      distribution directory
    2. Run the following command:
      On UNIX. create_system
      On Windows.
      sip_ant.bat create_system
    3. Answer the prompts described in the following table:
      Enter the database type (ORACLE, MSSQL, DB2)
      Database type. Specify
      Enter the database host name [localhost]
      Name of the host that is running the database. Default is
      Enter the database port number [50000]
      Port number that the database listener uses. Default is
      Enter the database instance name [SIP97]
      Name of the database instance. Default is
      Enter the MDM Hub Master Database schema name [cmx_system]
      Name of the MDM Hub Master Database schema. Defaut is
      Enter the MDM Hub Master Database user name [cmx_system]
      User name to access the MDM Hub Master Database. Defaut is
      Enter the MDM Hub Master Database user password
      Password to access the MDM Hub Master Database.
      Enter the DBA user name [DB2ADMIN]
      User name of the administrative user. Default is
      Enter the DBA password
      Password of the administrative user.
      Use the database proxy role [y/n] [y]
      Specifies whether you want to use the database proxy role that you create when you perform the pre-installation tasks.
      Enter one of the following values:
      • y. Uses the database proxy role.
      • n. Database proxy role is not used.
      Default is
  3. Create an Operational Reference Store.
    1. Change to the following location in the distribution directory:
      On UNIX.
      distribution directory
      On Windows.
      distribution directory
    2. Run the following command:
      On UNIX. create_ors
      On Windows.
      sip_ant.bat create_ors
    3. Answer the prompts described in the following table:
      Enter the database type (ORACLE, MSSQL, DB2)
      Database type. Specify
      Enter the Operational Reference Store schema host name [localhost]
      Name of the host that is running the database. Default is
      Enter the Operational Reference Store schema port number [50000]
      Port number that the database listener uses. Default is
      Enter the Operational Reference Store database instance name [SIP97]
      Name of the database instance. Default is
      Enter the Operational Reference Store schema name [cmx_ors]
      Name of the
      Operational Reference Store
      database. Default is
      Enter the Operational Reference Store schema user name [cmx_ors]
      User name to access the Operational Reference Store. Default is
      Enter the Operational Reference Store schema user password
      Password to access the Operational Reference Store.
      Enter the DBA user name [DB2ADMIN]
      User name of the administrative user. Default is
      Enter the DBA password
      Password of the administrative user.
      Use the database proxy role [y/n] [y]
      Specifies whether you want to use the database proxy role that you create when you perform the pre-installation tasks.
      Enter one of the following values:
      • y. Uses the database proxy role.
      • n. Database proxy role is not used.
      Default is
  4. Import the seed into the MDM Hub Master Database.
    1. Change to the following location in the distribution directory:
      On UNIX.
      distribution directory
      On Windows.
      distribution directory
    2. Run the following command:
      On UNIX. import_system
      On Windows.
      sip_ant.bat import_system
    3. Answer the prompts described in the following table:
      Enter the database type (ORACLE, MSSQL, DB2)
      Database type. Specify
      Enter the database host name [localhost]
      Name of the host that is running the database.
      Enter the database port number [50000]
      Port number that the database listener uses. Default is
      Enter the database instance name [SIP97]
      Name of the database. Default is
      Enter the MDM Hub Master Database schema name [cmx_system]
      Name of the MDM Hub Master Database schema. Default is
      Enter the MDM Hub Master Database schema user name [cmx_system]
      User name to access the MDM Hub Master Database. Default is
      On UNIX, ensure that you use a user name with 8 characters or less.
      Enter the MDM Hub Master Database schema user password
      Password to access the MDM Hub Master Database.
      Enter locale name [en_US]
      Operating system locale. Default is
      . Default is
      Connect URL [jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/SIP97:currentSchema=CMX_SYSTEM;]
      Connect URL for IBM DB2. Default is
      Use the database proxy role [y/n] [y]
      Specifies whether you want to use the database proxy role that you create when you perform the pre-installation tasks.
      Enter one of the following values:
      • y. Uses the database proxy role.
      • n. Database proxy role is not used.
      Default is
  5. Import the seed into the Operational Reference Store.
    1. Change to the following location in the distribution directory:
      On UNIX.
      distribution directory
      On Windows.
      distribution directory
    2. Run the following command:
      On UNIX. import_ors
      On Windows.
      sip_ant.bat import_ors
    3. Answer the prompts described in the following table:
      Enter the database type (ORACLE, MSSQL, DB2)
      Database type. Specify
      Enter the Operational Reference Store schema host name [localhost]
      Name of the host that is running the database.
      Enter the Operational Reference Store schema port number [50000]
      Port number that the database listener uses. Default is
      Enter the database name [SIP97]
      Name of the database. Default is
      Enter the Operational Reference Store schema name [cmx_ors]
      Name of the Operational Reference Store database. Default is
      Enter the Operational Reference Store schema user name [cmx_ors]
      User name to access the Operational Reference Store. Default is
      Enter the Operational Reference Store schema user password
      Password to access the Operational Reference Store.
      Enter locale name [en_US]
      Operating system locale. Default is
      Enter the integer code of Operational Reference Store Timeline Granularity: Year 5, Month 4, Day 3, Hour 2, Minute 1, Second 0 [3]
      Specify timeline units to use. Default is days.
      The timeline granularity that is once configured cannot be modified.
      Use the database proxy role [y/n] [y]
      Specifies whether you want to use the database proxy role that you create when you perform the pre-installation tasks.
      Enter one of the following values:
      • y. Uses the database proxy role.
      • n. Database proxy role is not used.
      Default is

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