Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Upgrade Overview
  3. Pre-Upgrade Tasks
  4. Database Tasks
  5. Application Server Tasks
  6. Hub Store Upgrade
  7. Hub Server Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  8. Process Server Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  9. Resource Kit Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  10. Post-Upgrade Tasks
  11. Search Configuration Upgrade
  12. ActiveVOS Post-Installation Tasks for the Application Server
  13. ActiveVOS Post-Upgrade Tasks for Business Entity Adapter
  14. ActiveVOS Post-Upgrade Tasks for Subject Areas Adapter
  15. Troubleshooting the Upgrade Process
  16. Frequently Asked Questions
  17. Processing Existing ActiveVOS Tasks
  18. Configuring Metadata Caching

Upgrading from Version 9.7.1

Upgrading from Version 9.7.1

Configure the Hub Server for Search

Configure the Hub Server for Search

You must configure all the Hub Server instances to enable search. Use the Hub Server tool in the Hub Console and the
file to configure the Hub Server properties for search.
  1. Use a text editor to open the
    file in the following location:
    <MDM Hub Installation Directory>\hub\server\resources\
  2. Configure the following properties for search:
    Required if you want to use the Elasticsearch engine for search. Manually add the property and set to
    Applicable to the Solr search engine and will be deprecated. Set to
    for Elasticsearch. Default is
    Sets the maximum number of Elasticsearch nodes that you want to connect to the host. Set to the number of Elasticsearch cluster nodes on the host.
    Sets the maximum number of threads that you want the Apache asynchronous non-blocking receiver to use for each node in the Elasticsearch cluster. Default is
    Change the value only when suggested by Informatica Global Customer Support.
    Sets the interval, in seconds, for Elasticsearch to commit the changes to the data after an Initially Index Smart Search Data batch job is run. The data is available for search after this time interval. Default is
    This property impacts the high indexing volume encountered during initial indexing. Change the value only when suggested by Informatica Global Customer Support.
    Required if you use the HTTPS port of the application server to configure the Hub Server. Manually add the property. Absolute path and file name of the keystore file.
    Required if you use the HTTPS port of the application server to configure the Hub Server. Manually add the property. Plain text password for the keystore file.
    Required if you use the HTTPS port of the application server to configure the Hub Server. Manually add the property. Absolute path and file name of the truststore file.
    Required if you use the HTTPS port of the application server to configure the Hub Server. Manually add the property. Plain text password for the truststore file.
After you update the Hub Server properties, you must validate the Operational Reference Store (ORS), and restart the Hub Console.

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