Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Upgrade Overview
  3. Pre-Upgrade Tasks
  4. Database Tasks
  5. Application Server Tasks
  6. Hub Store Upgrade
  7. Hub Server Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  8. Process Server Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  9. Resource Kit Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  10. Post-Upgrade Tasks
  11. Search Configuration Upgrade
  12. ActiveVOS Post-Installation Tasks for the Application Server
  13. ActiveVOS Post-Upgrade Tasks for Business Entity Adapter
  14. ActiveVOS Post-Upgrade Tasks for Subject Areas Adapter
  15. Troubleshooting the Upgrade Process
  16. Frequently Asked Questions
  17. Processing Existing ActiveVOS Tasks
  18. Configuring Metadata Caching

Upgrading from Version 9.7.1

Upgrading from Version 9.7.1

Upgrading Operational Reference Store Databases in Silent Mode

Upgrading Operational Reference Store Databases in Silent Mode

To upgrade an Operational Reference Store database in silent mode, run the upgrade script with the appropriate command for the environment.
To display the silent upgrade process in the command line, set
. To display the only the start time and end time of the silent upgrade process in the command line, set
true -silent
  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the following directory:
    • UNIX. <
      MDM Hub distribution directory
    • Windows. <
      MDM Hub distribution directory
  3. To upgrade an Operational Reference Store in an Oracle environment, run the following command:
    UNIX. updateorsdatabase –Dors.tnsname=<tns name> -Dors.connectiontype=sid -Dors.hostname=<hostname> -Dors.port=<port> -Dors.sid=<Oracle SID> -Dors.username=<ORS username> -Dors.password=<ORS password> -Dcmx.server.masterdatabase.type=oracle -Dnoprompt=true
    sip_ant.bat updateorsdatabase –Dors.tnsname=<tns name> -Dors.connectiontype=sid -Dors.hostname=<hostname> -Dors.port=<port> -Dors.sid=<Oracle SID> -Dors.username=<ORS username> -Dors.password=<ORS password> -Dcmx.server.masterdatabase.type=oracle -Dnoprompt=true
  4. To upgrade the Operational Reference Store in an IBM DB2 environment, run the following command:
    UNIX. updateorsdatabase -Dors.hostname=<host name> -Dors.database=%db2database% -Dors.port=<port> -Dors.username=<ORS username> -Dors.password=<ORS password> Dcmx.server.masterdatabase.type=db2 -Dnoprompt=true
    sip_ant.bat updateorsdatabase -Dors.hostname=<host name> -Dors.database=%db2database% -Dors.port=<port> -Dors.username=<ORS username> -Dors.password=<ORS password> Dcmx.server.masterdatabase.type=db2 -Dnoprompt=true
  5. To upgrade the Operational Reference Store in a
    Microsoft SQL Server
    environment, run the following command:
    UNIX. updateorsdatabase -Dors.hostname=<hostname> -Dors.port=<port> -Dors.username=<ORS username> -Dors.password=<ORS password> -Dors.database=<database name> -Dcmx.server.masterdatabase.type=MSSQL -Dnoprompt=true
    sip_ant.bat updateorsdatabase -Dors.hostname=<hostname> -Dors.port=<port> -Dors.username=<ORS username> -Dors.password=<ORS password> -Dors.database=<database name> -Dcmx.server.masterdatabase.type=MSSQL -Dnoprompt=true

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