Upgrade Task
| Details
Regenerate match tokens.
| Run the Generate Match Tokens batch job for each base object. The Generate Match Tokens batch job creates the match tokens based on the SSA-Name3 library files that you update during the Process Server upgrade.
Reindex the search data.
| If the search data contains any accented characters, such as â and î, you can run the Initially Index Smart Search Data batch job to reindex the data. After you reindex the data, a search request can return records that contain accented characters.
Configure metadata caching (Optional)
| In version 10.1 and earlier, the MDM Hub used JBoss Cache for metadata caching. After you upgrade from one of these versions, the MDM Hub Server uses the Infinispan configuration file instead of the JBoss Cache configuration file. You might need to configure Infinispan caching to achieve similar results as JBoss Cache.
For more information, see
Configuring Metadata Caching (Optional).
Reregister custom indexes.
| You must reregister custom indexes after the migration. Use the registerCustomIndex SIF API to reregister the custom indexes.
For more information about the RegisterCustomIndex SIF API, see the Multidomain MDM Services Integration Framework Guide .
For SOAP and Java code samples to run the registerCustomIndex SIF API, see KB 500116.https://kb.informatica.com/howto/6/Pages/19/500116.aspx?myk=500116.