Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Upgrade Overview
  3. Pre-Upgrade Tasks
  4. Database Tasks
  5. Application Server Tasks
  6. Hub Store Upgrade
  7. Hub Server Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  8. Process Server Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  9. Resource Kit Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  10. Post-Upgrade Tasks
  11. Search Configuration Upgrade
  12. ActiveVOS Post-Installation Tasks for the Application Server
  13. ActiveVOS Post-Upgrade Tasks for Business Entity Adapter
  14. ActiveVOS Post-Upgrade Tasks for Subject Areas Adapter
  15. Troubleshooting the Upgrade Process
  16. Frequently Asked Questions
  17. Processing Existing ActiveVOS Tasks
  18. Configuring Metadata Caching

Upgrading from Version 9.7.1

Upgrading from Version 9.7.1

Upgrading the Hub Server in Graphical Mode

Upgrading the Hub Server in Graphical Mode

To upgrade the Hub Server in graphical mode, run the Hub Server installer.
If you use embedded ActiveVOS, the upgrade process requires you to install the updated version of ActiveVOS in a new directory. If you prefer to overwrite your existing ActiveVOS installation, before you begin the upgrade, open the
file and comment out the following property:
activevos.install.dir = <AVOS installed path>
. For other pre-upgrade tasks, see Prepare the BPM Upgrade.
  1. Log in using the user name that was used to install the Hub Server.
  2. Start the application server on which the Hub Server is deployed.
  3. Open a command prompt and navigate to the Hub Server installer in the distribution directory. By default the installer is in the following directory:
    • On UNIX.
      MDM Hub distribution directory
      operating system name
    • On Windows.
      MDM Hub distribution directory
  4. Run the following command:
    • On UNIX.
    • On Windows.
  5. From the
    window, click
    License Agreement
    window appears.
  6. Review and accept the terms of the license agreement. Click
  7. Select the location of the Hub Server installation. The Hub Server installation folder contains the
    file. Click
    Version Warning
    message appears.
  8. Click
    to upgrade an existing Hub Server installation.
  9. If the previous installation uses WebLogic as the application server, the Hub Server installer prompts you to provide the WebLogic Admin password. Enter the WebLogic password.
  10. If you use, or want to use, ActiveVOS for business process management, install the embedded ActiveVOS version that is recommended for this version of
    Multidomain MDM
    If you already have a supported version of ActiveVOS installed, you can skip some of the substeps in this step. Perform substep c. to enter database details and substep 12f. to specify the user name and password for the ActiveVOS Server Administration Console.
    1. Select
    2. On the
      Choose ActiveVOS Installation Folder
      page, accept the default path or select another location. Click
    3. On the
      Database Information
      page, enter the database details that you specified when you created the ActiveVOS database schema, and click
      If you are moving from standalone ActiveVOS to embedded ActiveVOS, enter the details for the standalone ActiveVOS schema.
    4. On the
      Application Server Web URL
      page, accept the default URL or specify the URL that you want to use to call ActiveVOS web services. Ensure the URL contains the correct port number for the connection to the application server. Click
      The post installation setup script uses the URL to call ActiveVOS web services, deploy the predefined MDM workflows to ActiveVOS, and create the URN mapping.
    5. On the
      ActiveVOS Installer
      page, click
      . Browse to the ActiveVOS_Server installation file in the distribution package. Click
    6. Enter the administrative user name and password to create an administrative user for the ActiveVOS Console.
      The user name and password must be the same as the ActiveVOS Console user name and password that was created in the application server.
    7. Click
  11. Select one of the following Informatica platform installation options:
    • Yes
      . Install Informatica platform.
    • No
      . Does not install Informatica platform.
  12. If you select
    in the preceding step, click
    and browse to the following Informatica platform file locations:
    • Installation response file
    • Platform installation file
  13. On the Product Usage Toolkit page, select the industry to which the organization belongs and the environment type.
  14. If you want to use a proxy server, select
    , and enter the proxy server details. Otherwise, select
    You can enter the following proxy server details:
    • Proxy server name/IP
    • Proxy server port
    • Proxy server domain name. Leave blank if not applicable.
    • Proxy server user name. Leave blank if not applicable.
    • Proxy server password. Leave blank if not applicable.
  15. Click
    The Deploy window appears.
  16. Select whether to deploy the Hub Server EAR file automatically or manually, and then click
    Yes, run the script during this installation
    Deploys the Hub Server EAR file automatically after a successful installation.
    Select this option if you use one of the following application server environments with one of the ActiveVOS scenarios:
    Application server environments:
    • JBoss standalone environment
    • WebSphere standalone environment
    ActiveVOS scenarios:
    • You chose to install ActiveVOS and no other version of ActiveVOS is installed in this environment.
    • You chose to install ActiveVOS and the environment includes a supported version of ActiveVOS. Check the product availability matrix (PAM) for supported versions.
    • You chose not to install ActiveVOS.
    If you chose to install ActiveVOS but you have an unsupported version of ActiveVOS in your environment, select
    No, I will run it later
    No, I will run it later
    You package and deploy the Hub Server EAR file manually.
    Select this option if you use one of the following application server environments, with or without ActiveVOS:
    • WebLogic standalone environment
    • WebLogic clustered environment
    • JBoss clustered environment
    • WebSphere clustered environment
    If you are using any application server environment that includes an unsupported version of ActiveVOS, select this option. You must upgrade the ActiveVOS schema to the supported version and then deploy manually.
    Pre-Installation Summary
    window appears.
  17. To change any options, click the
    button to change your previous selections.
  18. After the summary window displays the options you want, click
    to start the installation process.
    The Hub Server installer displays the
    Please Wait
    screen while the installer configures the system. The Hub Server installer backs up critical files to an archive that is stored in the
    folder in the MDM Hub installation directory. The file name of the archive uses the format shown in the following example:
    Informatica MDM Hub Server-2010-09-27_12-13.jar
    When the installation completes, the
    Install Complete
    window appears.
  19. Click
    to exit the Hub Server installer.
    If the upgrade does not complete successfully, a window appears that states that the upgrade failed and displays the location of the log file that contains the failure messages.
  20. If you selected
    No, I will run it later
    , repackage and deploy the Hub Server EAR file.
    1. If you have an unsupported version of ActiveVOS in your environment, update the ActiveVOS schema to the supported version.
    2. Run the following command to repackage the EAR file:
      On UNIX.
      cd <
      MDM Hub installation directory
      >/hub/server/bin ./ repackage
      On Windows.
      cd <
      MDM Hub installation directory
      >\hub\server\bin sip_ant.bat repackage
    3. From the application server administration console, manually deploy the Hub Server EAR file. Refer to the application server documentation.
  21. Restart the application server.

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