Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Dashboard
  4. Resources
  5. Workflows
  6. Task Reference
  7. Services Overview
  8. Users
  9. Logs and Reports
  10. Encryption
  11. System
  12. Appendix
  13. Glossary Terms

AS2 Task

AS2 Task

Send (POST) messages to an AS2 server using an AS2 task.
Basic Tab
Specify a label for this task.
AS2 Server
Select a pre configured AS2 server from the list.
Source File
Specify the path and file name of a single file to send. Enter a file name, it might not be a directory name.
Source Files Variable
Specify the name of a variable of type File List which contains the files to send to the AS2 server. For example, ${variableName}.
Content Type
Specify the content type of the source file(s) from the list or type in any valid MIME content type.
Default Value: application/EDI-Consent
Specify the subject of the message.
Receipt Tab
Request Receipt
Specify whether or not to request a receipt from the AS2 server.
Default Value: none
Specify where to save the receipt. Valid options are:
  • File. The synchronous receipt is saved to the file specified in 'Receipt File' attribute.
  • Email. The asynchronous receipt is sent to the email address specified in the 'Receipt Email' attribute. Please verify with the AS2 Server that this option is supported.
  • URL. The asynchronous receipt is sent to the URL specified in the 'Receipt URL' attribute. You can specify 'https://[hostname]:[portnumber]/as2/mdn' as the url and the MDN receipts will appear in the
    Managed File Transfer
    AS2 audit log.
    • [hostname]
      is the host name or IP address of the
      Managed File Transfer
    • [portnumber]
      is the port number of the File Transfer Portal. The default port is 443.
If you are sending the MDN receipt to another server, verify the URL option is supported on the other AS2 server.
    Discard. The receipt is discarded.
Specify the location of the file to which the receipt, if any, should be saved. This is required if the 'Receipt Destination' is set to 'file'.
When File Exists
Specify the action to take when the receipt file already exists.
Default Value: rename
Email Address
Specify the email address to which the receipt, if any, should be sent to. This is required and used only if the 'Receipt Destination' is set to 'email'.
Receipt URL
Specify the URL to which the receipt, if any, should be sent to. This is required and used only if the 'Receipt Destination' is set to 'url'.
Output Variables Tab
Output Variable
If desired, specify the name of a variable which will contain an AS2TaskOutput variable. It will be created if it does not exist, or overwritten otherwise.
AS2 Server Tab
Refer to the AS2 Resource page for the AS2 Server field definitions.
Control Tab
The version of this task.
Log Level
Specify the level of logging to use while executing this task. Valid options are - silent, normal, verbose and debug.
Default Value: Inherited from parent Module
Execute Only If
Specify a condition that must be satisfied before this task can be executed. This task will be skipped if the specified condition is not met.
Whether or not this task is disabled.
Default Value: false
On Error Tab
On Error
Specify the action to take when this task errors out. Valid options are - abort, continue, call:[module] and setVariable:[name]=[value]. For call:[module] replace [module] with the name of the module in the project (e.g. call:ErrorModule). For setVariable:[name]=[value] replace [name] with a variable name and [value] with the variable value (e.g. setVariable:error=true).
Default Value: Inherited from parent Module
This task uses the File Set Elements. The field definitions for the File Set Elements can be found on the File Lists and File Sets topic.


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