Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Using Metadata Manager
  3. Configuring Metadata Manager
  4. Application Resources
  5. Business Glossary Resources
  6. Business Intelligence Resources
  7. Custom Resources
  8. Data Integration Resources
  9. Data Modeling Resources
  10. Database Management Resources
  11. Universal Resources
  12. Managing Resources
  13. Loading and Monitoring Resources
  14. Managing Permissions
  15. Resource Migration
  16. Repository Migration
  17. Appendix A: Metadata Manager Login
  18. Appendix B: Metadata Manager Properties Files
  19. Appendix C: Resource Configuration Files
  20. Appendix D: Glossary

Metadata Manager Administrator Guide

Metadata Manager Administrator Guide

Port-to-Port Data Lineage

Port-to-Port Data Lineage

Some Informatica Platform transformations contain separate input and output ports. For most transformations that have separate input and output ports, Metadata Manager can determine the data lineage links between the input ports and the output ports.
Transformations such as Aggregator, Expression, Joiner, and Union transformations can contain separate input and output ports. Metadata Manager can determine the data lineage links between the input and output ports in these transformations. Data lineage links between input and output ports in the same transformation are called port-to-port data lineage links.
The following image shows port-to-port data lineage links within a Union transformation:
In this view of a Union transformation, input ports appear on the left and output ports appear on the right. Metadata Manager displays a data lineage link between each input port and the corresponding output port. Some input ports are linked to the same output port.
Metadata Manager can determine port-to-port data lineage for the following transformations that have separate input and output ports:
  • Address Validator
  • Aggregator
  • Association
  • Case Converter
  • Classifier
  • Comparison
  • Consolidation
  • Decision
  • Exception
  • Expression
  • Joiner
  • Key Generator
  • Labeler
  • Match
  • Merge
  • Parser
  • Rank
  • Router
  • Standardizer
  • Union
  • Weighted Average
Metadata Manager cannot determine port-to-port data lineage for other transformations that have separate input and output ports. When Metadata Manager cannot determine port-to-port data lineage for a transformation, it maps all input ports to all output ports within the transformation.

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