Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Using Metadata Manager
  3. Configuring Metadata Manager
  4. Application Resources
  5. Business Glossary Resources
  6. Business Intelligence Resources
  7. Custom Resources
  8. Data Integration Resources
  9. Data Modeling Resources
  10. Database Management Resources
  11. Universal Resources
  12. Managing Resources
  13. Loading and Monitoring Resources
  14. Managing Permissions
  15. Resource Migration
  16. Repository Migration
  17. Appendix A: Metadata Manager Login
  18. Appendix B: Metadata Manager Properties Files
  19. Appendix C: Resource Configuration Files
  20. Appendix D: Glossary

Metadata Manager Administrator Guide

Metadata Manager Administrator Guide

Customizing the List of Words to Ignore in Searches

Customizing the List of Words to Ignore in Searches

When you perform a keyword or advanced search, Metadata Manager ignores special characters and common words. You can use the default list of common words to ignore in a search or you can customize the list.
By default, Metadata Manager ignores the following common words:
a an and are as at be but by for if in into is it no not of on or such that the their then there these they this to was will with
To customize the list of words and phrases to ignore in a search, update the stopwords.txt file. The stopwords.txt file is located in the following directory:
<Informatica installation directory>\services\shared\jars\pc\classes\
Open the stopwords.txt file with a text editor and add or remove words and phrases. Enter each word or phrase to ignore on a single line in the file. Entries must be in lowercase characters and cannot contain the apostrophe character (
After you update the stopwords.txt file, perform the following actions so that Metadata Manager uses the stopwords.txt file instead of the default word list:
  1. Set the UseCustomStopWords property in the file to true.
  2. Disable and enable the Metadata Manager Service.
  3. Manually update the search index for all resources.
Although entries in the file must be in lowercase characters, searches are not case sensitive. For example, if you enter the word
in the stopwords.txt file, Metadata Manger ignores
, and

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