Metadata Manager
- Metadata Manager 10.5
- All Products
| Description
| Name for the resource. The resource appears in the
Resources panel with this name. The name must be unique and have from one through 256 characters. It cannot include the following characters:
/ \ : * ' ? " < > | [ ]
| Description for the resource. Description cannot exceed 4000 characters.
Hide in Summary Lineage
| Hides the resource in the summary view of data lineage diagrams.
Enable this option to hide the resource and its child objects in the summary view. Disable this option to display the resource and its child objects in the summary view.
Default is disabled.
| Description
Agent URL
| Host name and port number of the Metadata Manager Agent.
Source system version
| Name and version of the resource. You cannot edit this field.
Always use latest source files
| Uses the metadata source file in the location you provide each time you load the resource. If you enable this option, the path to the file must include an absolute path that is accessible from the Metadata Manager Agent machine. If you disable this option, Metadata Manager copies the metadata source file to the Metadata Manager application directory when you finish configuring the resource. Each time you load the resource, Metadata Manager uses the copied metadata source file in the Metadata Manager application directory.
This property is displayed when the metadata source is a file.
Auto assign connections
| Metadata Manager configures connection assignments to relational database resource types during the resource load. If you disable this option, configure connection assignments in the resource properties after you create the resource.
This property is displayed for data integration, business intelligence, and data modeling resources.