Cloudera Navigator is a data management tool for the Hadoop platform. It contains an auditing component that allows users to track data access for entities in a Hadoop cluster and a metadata component that manages metadata about the entities in a Hadoop cluster. Metadata Manager extracts metadata about entities in the cluster through the metadata component of Cloudera Navigator.
When you create a Cloudera Navigator resource in Metadata Manager, you enter the user name, password, and URL for the Cloudera Navigator Metadata Server. You can create one Cloudera Navigator resource for each Hadoop cluster that is managed by Cloudera Manager. Metadata Manager extracts metadata about entities in the cluster based on the entity type. To enable a secure connection to Cloudera Navigator, enter the path and file name of the truststore file for the Cloudera Navigator SSL instance and the password of the truststore file when you create or edit the Cloudera Navigator resource. If you do not specify the truststore file information and if the target Cloudera Navigator server is HTTPS enabled, the Cloudera Navigator Xconnect accepts any server certificate.
Metadata Manager extracts metadata for the following entity types:
HDFS files, directories, and datasets
Hive tables, query templates, and query executions
Impala query templates and executions
MapReduce job templates and executions
Oozie job templates and executions
Pig tables, job templates, and job executions
Sqoop job templates and executions
YARN job templates and executions
Metadata Manager can extract metadata from a Cloudera Hadoop cluster that uses Kerberos authentication. However, authentication between Metadata Manager and Cloudera Navigator still occurs through a user name and password.