Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Using Metadata Manager
  3. Configuring Metadata Manager
  4. Application Resources
  5. Business Glossary Resources
  6. Business Intelligence Resources
  7. Custom Resources
  8. Data Integration Resources
  9. Data Modeling Resources
  10. Database Management Resources
  11. Universal Resources
  12. Managing Resources
  13. Loading and Monitoring Resources
  14. Managing Permissions
  15. Resource Migration
  16. Repository Migration
  17. Appendix A: Metadata Manager Login
  18. Appendix B: Metadata Manager Properties Files
  19. Appendix C: Resource Configuration Files
  20. Appendix D: Glossary

Metadata Manager Administrator Guide

Metadata Manager Administrator Guide

Plug-in Definition File Elements

Plug-in Definition File Elements

The plug-in definition file contains elements that specify the XConnect and model properties. The plug-in definition file must contain one of each required element. It can also contain one of each optional element.
The following table describes the elements in the plug-in definition file:
Required. Name of the XConnect, for example, Apache_Hadoop_Hive or QlikView.
The name element cannot include the following characters:
/ \ : * ' ? " < > | [ ] &
Metadata Manager uses the name and owner elements to generate the model name. Metadata Manager names the model
, for example, HypoStores.QlikView.
Required. Name of the organization or department that creates the XConnect and model, for example, HypoStores or HypoStores_Sales.
The owner element cannot include the following characters:
/ \ : * ' ? " < > | [ ] &
Metadata Manager uses the name and owner elements to generate the model name. Metadata Manager names the model
, for example, HypoStores.QlikView.
Required. Metadata source type. You must specify one of the following values:

    Business Intelligence

    Data Integration

    Data Modeling

    Database Management

Required. Name of the metadata source from which you want to extract metadata, for example,
QlikView Files
Apache Hadoop Hive Server
, or
W3C XML Schema Definition (XSD) 1.0 Reverse Engineering.
For a list of supported metadata sources, see the “Supported Metadata Sources” topic. You must enter the metadata source name in this element exactly as it appears in the “Supported Metadata Sources” topic.
Optional. Directory that contains the icons for the model and the groups and classes in the model.
You can specify a complete file path or a relative path. If you specify a relative path, the file path is relative to the following directory:
<Informatica services installation directory>\services\MetadataManagerService\utilities\mmxconpluginutil
Optional. File name of the image file that Metadata Manager uses for the model icon, for example,
The model icon must be in the icon directory that you specify in the iconDir element.
Optional. Short name for the model.
Optional. Description for the model.

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