Status Name
| Description
Link Request in Queue
| Metadata Manager is creating links for another resource. This resource is in the link queue until Metadata Manager can process the request.
Linking Cancel Requested
| You requested that Metadata Manager cancel the link process.
Linking Canceled
| Metadata Manager canceled the link process.
Linking Failed
| Metadata Manager could not successfully create links for this resource.
Linking in Progress
| Metadata Manager is creating links for this resource.
Linking Skipped
| Metadata Manager already created links for this resource using connection assignments. Metadata Manager did not have to modify the links because the connection assignments did not change or because the resource was not reloaded.
Linking Successful
| Metadata Manager created the links for this resource.
Linking Successful (Some Linking Deferred)
| Metadata Manager created the links for this resource. Metadata Manager deferred creating some links because another resource with connection assignments that involve this resource is concurrently being loaded or linked. Metadata Manager creates the deferred links after it finishes loading or creating links for the other resource.
You can load resources in any order. Metadata Manager re-creates the links when required.
Not Linked
| Metadata Manager did not create links for this resource because the resource does not have any connection assignments or linking rules.