Two ways exist for you to control which of your users can see guide navigator areas on Salesforce pages. The most common is to uses page layouts that are assigned to user profiles. If you need more granularity than this method provides, you can use permission sets. A permission set allows you to assign an object to a set, then assign that permission to selected users. (For more information on permission sets, see
Permission Set Overview in the Salesforce documentation.)
Using permission sets, all users in a profile will still see a page layout that has a section for guides. However, only users associated with the "Guide User" permission set will actually see the guide navigator. Other users that open the "Guides" section of their page will see a message something like:
Content cannot be displayed: You do not have sufficient
privileges to access the page: /apex/ce4sf20_001__AeCaseSalesGuides"
Using permission sets is a three-step process.
Go to the Visualforce page for guides and change their security setting so not users are allowed. Do this here because Visualforce pages for guides are typically named "
Sales Guides". Now, no one is able to see the guide navigator.
Create a permission set called "Guide User". In this permission set, click on "Visualforce Page Access" and give access to all of the CE Visualforce pages.
Go to the users that should have access to Guide Designer and associate them with that permission set.
Now, only these users will see the guide navigator.