Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Salesforce Managed Package
  3. Running a Guide within a Salesforce Organization
  4. Techniques
  5. Customizing Salesforce
  6. Mobile Guides
  7. Meeting Follow-up Wizards
  8. Controlling Who Sees Guides
  9. Launching a Guide
  10. Guide Execution Reports

Salesforce and Application Integration

Salesforce and Application Integration

Mobile Guides Overview

Mobile Guides Overview

The procedures you use when you create guides that run on smart phones are identical to those you use when you create guides that run on a PC or a Mac.
However, the smaller screen affects your design in the following ways:
  • Mobile forms typically have just a few fields, with more steps, due to the limited display area.
  • The order of fields in a mobile guide is critical because of the limited number of visible items at any one time.
  • Use of images is more limited due to size constraints.
  • Guides are often launched from URLs that are provided to or are created by your users.
  • Keep in mind that users will use the phone's voice processing software.
  • Typing is less convenient on a mobile device. Where possible, let the user choose data from lists or checkboxes.
  • You can design a guide with the Run On setting as Desktop/Tablet and change the setting to Smart Phone when the design is complete.
  • If you need a guide to run on both a mobile phone and on a larger device, you can do much of the work in embedded steps, to make it easier for use on both device types.
  • Guide Designer requires that all guides, even embedded guides, have a Run on setting. However, at runtime, it uses the Run on value set for the embedding task and ignores the Run on setting in the embedded guide..
  • Depending on the type of phone and operating system, users may have limited abilities to format text.
You can run a guide in your Android phone or iPhone, using the phone's browser.
Guides display and run only on the device type selected for the guide (Smart Phone or Desktop/Tablet).


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