Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Salesforce Managed Package
  3. Running a Guide within a Salesforce Organization
  4. Techniques
  5. Customizing Salesforce
  6. Mobile Guides
  7. Meeting Follow-up Wizards
  8. Controlling Who Sees Guides
  9. Launching a Guide
  10. Guide Execution Reports

Salesforce and Application Integration

Salesforce and Application Integration

Connected Apps Guide Integration with Salesforce1 Mobile Applications

Connected Apps Guide Integration with Salesforce1 Mobile Applications

With Guide Designer, you can integrate guides with your Salesforce1 mobile applications. This type of integration requires you to use the Salesforce managed package as a Connected App.
Before you start:
  • Download the Salesforce1 app.
  • Log in to the Salesforce1 app and verify that your environment is working correctly.
The integration requires the following steps:
  1. Create a Visualforce page and enable it for Mobile Apps.
  2. Create a new Action for the object in Salesforce.
  3. Enable Publisher actions in Salesforce.
  4. Put the new Action on the Salesforce object page.
  5. Verify the Mobile App runs as expected.

Step 1: Create a Visualforce Page and Enable it for Mobile Apps

  1. Log in to your Salesforce organization as a system administrator.
  2. From the Setup menu, select
    App Setup
  3. Click
  4. Enter a label, for example, aeOpportunityGuideMobileEnabled.
  5. Check
    Available for Salesforce mobile apps
  6. Add the Visualforce markup as shown here:
    Markup for a Home guide:
    <apex:page sidebar="false" showHeader="false" standardStylesheets="false" cache="true" expires="300" docType="html-5.0" > <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> </head> <body style="margin: 0px; padding:0px;"> <
    :AeSalesGuides sf1="navigation" objectType="_any" objectId="{!$User.Id}" extraInfo="Home Guides" nothingOnDone="true" match="Role={!JSENCODE(SUBSTITUTE($UserRole.Name, ",", ""))}, Profile={!JSENCODE(SUBSTITUTE($Profile.Name, ",", ""))}" /> </body> </apex:page>
    Markup for an Account guide:
    <apex:page standardController="Account" sidebar="false" showHeader="false" standardStylesheets="false" cache="true" expires="300" docType="html-5.0" > <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> </head> <body style="margin: 0px; padding:0px;"> <
    :AeSalesGuides sf1="publisher" objectType="Account" objectId="{!Account.Id}" extraInfo="{!JSENCODE(Account.Name)}" match="Role={!JSENCODE(SUBSTITUTE($UserRole.Name, ",", ""))}, Type={!JSENCODE(SUBSTITUTE(Account.Type, ",", ""))}, Industry={!JSENCODE(SUBSTITUTE(Account.Industry, ",", ""))}"/> </body> </apex:page>
    For other objects, adapt the Visualforce page code for the object you want to work with.
  7. Click
    Quick Save
    to verify that there are no errors.

Step 2: Create a New Action for the Object

  1. From the Setup menu, select the App Setup option for the object you want to work with. For example,
    App Setup
    Buttons, Links and Actions
  2. Click
    New Action
    and add the Visualforce page created in Step 1.

Step 3: Enable Publisher Actions

  1. Select
    App Setup
  2. In the Publisher Actions section, check
    Enable Publisher Actions

Step 4: Put the New Action on the Object Page

  1. Select
    App Setup
    Page Layout
  2. Click
    Locate the newly-defined action in the Actions list.
  3. Drag and drop items to the location within the Publisher Actions section. This is before the Post Action.
    Drag to the location
    And then drop it at its location
  4. Save the layout.

Step 5: Verify

Verify the newly added action in the SFDC1 mobile app.
  1. Login to the mobile app.
  2. Select an opportunity.
    Select an opportunity in a smart phone
  3. Press the "+" button that brings up the publisher actions, which includes the "CE Process Apps" action.
    New Opportunity page in a smart phone
  4. Press
    CE Process Apps
    to display the Designer Visualforce page. It may take a few seconds to load.
    Visualforce page within a smart phone
    You should see the list of guides that are marked to run on a mobile device.
    List of guides that can be accessed in a smart phone
  5. Choose one of those guides to see if it runs successfully.
    Guides thata can run in a smart phone

Creating a Salesforce1 App

  1. Create a Visualforce Tab
  2. Add it to the Mobile Navigation menu.
  3. Add a new tab and add the Visualforce page you just created.
    1. Select
      Setup > Create
    2. In the Visualforce Tabs section, click
    3. In the Visualforce Page drop-down list, select the page you created in the previous step.
    4. In the Tab Label field, enter a label name. Note that, this label appears on the navigation menu in Salesforce1.
    5. Click into the Tab Style field, and select some a style. The icon for this style appears as the icon for the page in the Salesforce1 navigation menu.
    6. Click
    7. Click
      to accept the visibility defaults.
    8. Deselect the
      Include Tab
      checkbox so that the tab isn't included in any of the apps in the organization. You only want this tab to appear when users are viewing it on their mobile device.
    9. Click
    10. On the Custom Tabs screen in the Visualforce Tabs section, click
      next to the new tab that you created..
      Custom tab page
  4. Add the new tab to the navigation menu. Here, it is added as a navigation menu item. It will instantly become available to Salesforce1 app users that have access to it.
    1. Select
      Setup > Mobile Administration
      Mobile Navigation
    2. Select the newly added tab and click
      to move it over to the selected list in the right.
      Setting up mobile navigation
    3. Click
  5. When your Salesforce1 users log in, they'll see the CE Opportunities menu item in the navigation menu.
  6. Test it out by opening the app. You should be able to open your side menu in Salesforce1 and see your Visualforce Tab in this menu
    : You might need to clear the cache for the app if the page does not display immediately.


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