Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Salesforce Managed Package
  3. Running a Guide within a Salesforce Organization
  4. Techniques
  5. Customizing Salesforce
  6. Mobile Guides
  7. Meeting Follow-up Wizards
  8. Controlling Who Sees Guides
  9. Launching a Guide
  10. Guide Execution Reports

Salesforce and Application Integration

Salesforce and Application Integration

Smart Phone Calendar Entry

Smart Phone Calendar Entry

When smart phone support was added to Guide Designer, the setup wizard added an
Email Invitations
button to Salesforce Calendar Event pages.
: This button only appears on the page that Salesforce displays when it shows you information about already created events. It does not appear on the page containing the form that you use to create the event.
Calendar Event page
After you select this button, the wizard displays a wizard that creates iCal files. After the completing the wizard, Guide Designer sends mail to the people you've identified. For many, it will attach an iCal file. It actually sends two different iCal files. The first places the event on a calendar after it is executes. It also has a link to the guide that the event's host will use. The second sends iCal files to the people attending the event and who are identified in your Salesforce objects. This iCal file just places the event on a calendar. It also has any text that you added. If the person is not identified in your Salesforce objects, the wizard just sends the text you entered.
Email Wizard
After making choices in this step and perhaps adding additional recipients, click the
button to send invitations. The wizard attaches an iCalendar ics file to the email. When the recipient clicks on it within the received email, the event is added to the recipient's calendar. The event owner receives a slightly different email as it also has a link to the guide navigator. Here is a Microsoft Outlook example containing the link:
What the event looks like in Microsoft Outlook
On an iPhone, you will receive the Event data shown in the left screen in the next figure. After tapping this link, the wizard sends the first step to your phone, which is shown in the right screen.
The event on a smart phone

Importing iCal files on Android Phones

Android phones, by default, do not support iCal ics files. Instead, Android relies on apps that you can download into your app using Google Play. Informatica does not validate or test any of these apps. Our advice with regard to choosing an app is to choose one with many downloads. Also, it is possible that some apps do not work with the Android version that you are using.
In testing apps, attachments within gmail were
opened without needing support from another app.
In most cases, the app works by recognizing the ics file type used by iCal files. When you click on an iCal email attachment from another app, you are usually asked if you want to download or preview the attachment. One of the options should be the name of the app you installed that is associated with iCal files. You should also see a checkbox that lets you set this app as the default action. If you have more than one calendar app on your phone, you will need to choose which calendar the iCal app will use. Finally, some apps import the iCal file and leave the calendar entry in an open state so that you can view and modify it. It is not saved unless you explicitly save it. Other apps just save it and you will have to open it separately. Others save it and leave it open.


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