Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Salesforce Managed Package
  3. Running a Guide within a Salesforce Organization
  4. Techniques
  5. Customizing Salesforce
  6. Mobile Guides
  7. Meeting Follow-up Wizards
  8. Controlling Who Sees Guides
  9. Launching a Guide
  10. Guide Execution Reports

Salesforce and Application Integration

Salesforce and Application Integration

Creating a Visualforce Page

Creating a Visualforce Page

Set the Visualforce Markup to:
<apex:page standardController="Case"> <icrt:AeSalesGuides guideName="Handle Case" objectType="Case" objectId="{!Case.Id}" height="600px"/> </apex:page>
: Make sure that the guide's Name value here matches the name set in the Guide Properties dialog.
Visualforce Page


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