extension), and sent it to your browser. For most browsers, click on the file's name to add a contact to your personal contacts.
: The name is in its
: The name is at the bottom within the window's frame.
Internet Explorer
: You can run it from the displayed dialog box.
After it loads, you can see it in your contact manager. Here, for example, is the contact within Microsoft Outlook. Notice the Web page address link:
This link also appears in this contact on your smart phone after it syncs with your contact manager, which is the left phone in the next figure. Clicking on the link opens your phone's browser and it displays the guides that you can use for this contact. You can now click on a guide's link to open the guide's first step. If there is only one guide, this guide displays.
: Only mobile guides are displayed when you use this link. Guides that were designed for display in your PC's browser are not shown. Similarly, clicking on this link while using a contact manager such as Outlook when you are using a PC or a Mac tells Guide Designer that it should only display non-mobile guides.