Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. User administration
  3. Ecosystem single sign-on
  4. SAML single sign-on
  5. Users
  6. User groups
  7. User roles
  8. User configuration examples
  9. Editing your user profile
  10. Editing your user settings
  11. Inviting users to join your organization
  12. Notifications

User Administration

User Administration

Creating a custom role

Creating a custom role

Create a custom role on the
User Roles
page. When you create a role, you must configure the privileges that are associated with the role. You configure privileges separately for each service.
To create a custom role, you can create a new role or clone an existing role. A new role has no privileges until you configure them. A cloned role has the same privileges as the role that you clone, but you can change the privileges.
  1. In
    , select
    User Roles
  2. Perform either of the following actions:
    • To create a new role, click
      Add Role
    • To clone an existing role, in the row that contains the role that you want to clone, click
      and select
      . You can clone any role except for the Admin role.
  3. Enter a role name and optional description.
  4. In the
    field, select the service for which you want to configure privileges.
    For example, to configure privileges for
    Data Integration
    , select
    Data Integration
    . To configure administrative privileges, select
  5. To configure the asset privileges, select
    , and enable or disable the appropriate privileges for each asset type.
    For example, to enable users with the role to create folders, enable
    next to
  6. To configure the feature privileges, select
    , and enable or disable the appropriate privileges.
    For example, to prevent users with the role from importing assets, disable
    Asset - import
  7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for each service.
  8. Click
After you create a role, you can assign it to a user or user group. To assign the role to a user or group, edit the user or group.


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