Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. User administration
  3. Ecosystem single sign-on
  4. SAML single sign-on
  5. Users
  6. User groups
  7. User roles
  8. User configuration examples
  9. Editing your user profile
  10. Editing your user settings
  11. Inviting users to join your organization
  12. Notifications

User Administration

User Administration

Application Integration anonymous user

Application Integration
anonymous user

Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
creates a system user called
Application Integration
needs this user when you invoke an anonymous process that calls a
Data Integration
Do not edit or delete the
Application Integration
anonymous user if you need to invoke an anonymous process that calls a
Data Integration
If you assign custom permissions to a Data Integration task and invoke the Data Integration task through an Application Integration process or a guide, you must complete either of the following tasks:
  • Give the Application Integration anonymous user permission to run the associated Data Integration asset.
  • Add the Application Integration anonymous user to a user group that has permission to run the associated Data Integration asset.


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