Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. User administration
  3. Ecosystem single sign-on
  4. SAML single sign-on
  5. Users
  6. User groups
  7. User roles
  8. User configuration examples
  9. Editing your user profile
  10. Editing your user settings
  11. Inviting users to join your organization
  12. Notifications

User Administration

User Administration

Data Governance and Catalog feature privileges

Data Governance and Catalog
feature privileges

Use the
Data Governance and Catalog
feature privileges to allow users access to specific functionality while working with
Data Governance and Catalog
. You can enable feature privileges when you create a custom role.
The following table describes the
Data Governance and Catalog
feature privileges:
Data Governance and Catalog
Enable this feature to grant access to
Data Governance and Catalog
. If disabled, you cannot access
Data Governance and Catalog
to perform any governance tasks.
Curate Automatic Glossary Associations
This privilege is not in use.
Curate Data Classifications
This privilege is not in use.
Data Access Management
Allows users the ability to execute a mapping that includes an Access Policy transformation in
Data Integration
This privilege is for a future release.
Allows users the ability to export assets from
Data Governance and Catalog
Force Delete
Allows users the following privileges:
  • Delete assets with incoming relationships
  • Delete assets with all the child assets in the hierarchy through bulk import
Allows users the ability to download predefined templates and import business assets into
Data Governance and Catalog
. If you enable this privilege, you must additionally grant users the following asset privileges to import assets:
  • Business assets. Create and update privilege
  • Technical assets. Update privilege
Manage Tickets
Allows users the following privileges:
  • Resolve or cancel tickets without being a stakeholder of the asset.
  • Receive notifications for manual tickets without being a stakeholder of the asset.
Participate in Change Approvals
Allows users the following privileges:
  • Participate in workflow approvals in
    Data Governance and Catalog
    The role for which you grant this privilege appears in the
    Metadata Command Center
    when a user creates or modifies a workflow task.
  • Add stakeholders to assets in
    Data Governance and Catalog
  • Configure workflows in
    Metadata Command Center
Preview Data
Allows user to view the latest preview of failed rows for data quality rule occurrences in
Data Governance and Catalog
This privilege is not in use.
Super Admin
This privilege is not in use.
View Business Assets
This privilege is not in use.
View Data Access Audit
Allows users the ability to view
Data Access Management
audit logs in
Data Governance and Catalog
This privilege is for a future release.
Data Access Management
Allows users the ability to view
Data Access Management
Data Governance and Catalog
To perform
Data Access Management
tasks, the administrator must create and assign access policies to this user role in
Metadata Command Center
. For more details, see
in the
Metadata Command Center
View Data Classifications
This privilege is not in use.
View Profiled Stats
This privilege is not in use.
View Sensitive Data
This privilege is not in use.
View Technical Assets
This privilege is not in use.
View Unpublished Content
This privilege is not in use.


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